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Western Railroad Discussion > on the road again . .

Date: 10/08/17 19:06
on the road again . .
Author: 3rdswitch

. . . probably the last day of posting as work starts tomorrow. Today was a very slow day catching a southbound KCS train making the sharp ninety degree curve near downtown Victoria off the KCS Rosenberg sub to the exSP UP Lavaca Sub (top) then because of his VERY slow speed was able to grab one more on the outskirts of Victoria (middle). Nothing else till after noon catching a Sunday working UP local near Bloomington on the Victoria Industrial Lead (bottom) with patched exSP unit leading along with one of the faded UP "gray ghost" RCE receiver B boats. Thought they got rid of these long ago? There were three of them in Bloomington.

Date: 10/08/17 19:44
Re: on the road again . .
Author: King_Coal

Good day in South Texas. Thanks for posting these.

Date: 10/08/17 20:04
Re: on the road again . .
Author: RickL

3rdswitch Wrote:
"with patched ex SP unit leading along with one of the faded UP
"gray ghost" RCE receiver B boats. Thought they
got rid of these long ago? There were three of
them in Bloomington."

The Grey Ghosts have stayed in constant use from the Lake Jackson / Freeport area down to the Corpus Area. After they were retired in other places, I've asked a few UP guys in the area why they survive here but no one really seems to know.


Date: 10/08/17 20:27
Re: on the road again . .
Author: SCKP187

Nice looking Belles. The local must work where there is a wye since all are facing the same way.
Brian Stevens

Date: 10/08/17 21:35
Re: on the road again . .
Author: SPgoletablock

Great Shots! Especially the Local with SPpatchy and the "ghost"!!

Date: 10/09/17 04:06
Re: on the road again . .
Author: funnelfan

Nice shots. I didn't think any of those GE RCE units were around either. Should have just made them slug units.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 10/09/17 08:02
Re: on the road again . .
Author: SP8595

Great catches! And kudos to you for serving down in Texas!!

Date: 10/09/17 08:13
Re: on the road again . .
Author: oklachaser

Great photos.

Ronda Thomas

Date: 10/09/17 08:21
Re: on the road again . .
Author: ns1000

I also like Pic 3!!

Date: 10/09/17 10:18
Re: on the road again . .
Author: BNSF-6432

funnelfan Wrote:
> Nice shots. I didn't think any of those GE RCE
> units were around either. Should have just made
> them slug units.

Nor did I but nice catch. That thing sure looks tired. Nice series


Date: 10/09/17 17:37
Re: on the road again . .
Author: SD45X


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