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Western Railroad Discussion > ROI vs OR

Date: 12/23/18 13:55
Author: StStephen


Union Pacific has the highest ROI, 14.08%, of any railroad, including all of the others practicing "PSR".  Can someone give a good explanation of what this means relative to stockholders/investors, in terms of value of stock?  Why would a lower OR with a lower ROI be more valuable than a higher OR with a higher ROI? What is the typical relationship between dividends to stockholders and ROI?  How does it affect UP's corporate bonds? Is there any correlation between the ROI and long-term growth/health of a railroad, more so than the OR?  It would seem to me that in very high capex industries the ROI would be a better gauge of financial performance, but I defer to those with stronger accounting backgrounds than I have (which is limited) to explain all that. TIA for responses.


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