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Western Railroad Discussion > Ferromex train count map

Date: 01/24/20 17:35
Ferromex train count map
Author: inCHI

On 1/24/2017 florida581 posted this thread detailing Ferromex's traffic [<CLICK.] I stumbled across it again today and wanted to understand what the daily train counts were geographically, so I decided to map it. Oddly, when I added one of Ferromex's online maps into Illustrator it opened as a fully layered file, which is funny if you are a graphic designer. That was handy because I was able to thicken the red Ferromex lines to make them stick out more. The train count numbers are straight from that 2017 post, which described them as "road freights." Many of the railroad junctions where traffic changes are smaller towns that aren't listed on the Ferromex map, but I tried to place the traffic numbers in spots where it (hopefully) makes it clear what segment they are referencing.

I know next to nothing about Mexican railroads but that post helped a lot with the basics. One thing I found as I tried to locate "Tabalaopa, CI - Sufragio, SI" (Los Moches to Chihuahua on the Ferromex map) is that that line looks incredible, with loops, endless tunnels, bridges, etc. It seems like an extremely rugged line for just 1-2 trains a day, and I wonder if it ever is at risk.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/20 20:29 by inCHI.

Date: 01/24/20 19:37
Re: Ferromex train count map
Author: GN1969

Train counts are each way per day or total per day?

Date: 01/24/20 20:29
Re: Ferromex train count map
Author: inCHI

According to the original post it was total per day of road freights.

Date: 01/26/20 14:15
Re: Ferromex train count map
Author: flarails882

Aren't all the border crossing single track?

Date: 01/27/20 18:35
Re: Ferromex train count map
Author: Coalca

inCHI Wrote:
> I know next to nothing about Mexican railroads but
> that post helped a lot with the basics. One thing
> I found as I tried to locate "Tabalaopa, CI -
> Sufragio, SI" (Los Moches to Chihuahua on the
> Ferromex map) is that that line looks incredible,
> with loops, endless tunnels, bridges, etc. It
> seems like an extremely rugged line for just 1-2
> trains a day, and I wonder if it ever is at risk.

The indelibleĀ Copper Canyon, a true marvel of engineering. Best part is you can ride a passenger train along its entire length.


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