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Western Railroad Discussion > Stacks and Tanks over Cajon today

Date: 03/01/21 16:27
Stacks and Tanks over Cajon today
Author: bakersfielddave

an Eastbound went past Hesperia around 1400 today with two full size trains coupled together

BNSF 7542-3951-4275-3250 with Ocean stacks then tagged on behind was 4195-3788 and a full rake of cbtx and other type empty tanks and rear dpu was 5076

would this train continue across the desert as one or split into two sections perhaps ? PSR ?

Date: 03/01/21 18:08
Re: Stacks and Tanks over Cajon today
Author: mapboy

There’s been quite a few trains of empty ethanol tanks from Watson in the L.A. Harbor on the rear combined with harbor stack trains of loaded marine containers on the head end.  They usually run as U-WATxxx7 as compared to S-xxxxxx.  In June, a U-WATADM7 (2 buffer cars, 96 tanks) and marine double stacks went over Cajon together until Clovis, 4x2x1 with 11,000 tons and 12,000’.  A U-WATRAV7 was still combined at Pampa, TX, but split by Kansas City, since the tanks were headed for Ravenna, NE.  It was a similar 4x2x1 with 11,000 tons and 12,000’, same as yours today.  That configuration must fit the bill for proper train handling. 


Date: 03/01/21 23:20
Re: Stacks and Tanks over Cajon today
Author: CaliforniaSteam

They have been running this train like this for awhile. Its running a stack train with a ethanol train as one (BNSF version of PSR). Its split somewhere east of Barstow. They have been running a half over sea's containers with DPU cut in the middle with the other half being domestic traffic. When the train gets to Barstow it is split up into two trains. 


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