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Western Railroad Discussion > American Crystal Sugar 2x1 loaded coal unit train-Grand Forks, ND

Date: 01/23/23 20:58
American Crystal Sugar 2x1 loaded coal unit train-Grand Forks, ND
Author: jmulhol2

A 2x1 American Crystal Sugar loaded westbound (geographically northbound) coal unit train from Spring Creek Mine, MT --to-- Grand Forks, ND (specifically to Ardoch, ND) is seen here passing MP00.35 on the BNSF Glasston Subdivision in Grand Forks, ND during the mid-afternoon hours of 01/23/2023. 

Train symbol: C-SCMGFA

BNSF #5969 (GE ES44AC; built: 04/2006)
BNSF #9008 (EMD SD70ACe; built: 09/2013)
BNSF #8767 (EMD SD70ACe; built: 05/2013)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/23 21:00 by jmulhol2.

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