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Western Railroad Discussion > on the road again . . .

Date: 03/15/23 18:13
on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .    once again, didn't get too far today. Only Marshalll, TX to Monroe, LA. But, a beautiful day full of sunshine for the first time in three.
top: started the morning trying to check out the large Eastman facility on the south side of Longview, TX. A UP job was at the small interchange yard with a pair of 70M's and this nice former MP untouched caboose.
middle: too much security at the facility and only able to drive to perimiter so took this desperation shot of a pair of hybrids switching in the surrounding woods. This is a large facility with much storage. Probably close to a thousand cars in the various yards and working tracks.
bottom: chased this 1x1x1 686 axle UP train to Marshall   .   .   .
.   .   .   just six to go   .   .   .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/23 18:14 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 03/15/23 18:13
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .   
top: the rear DPU on the above UP was an FXE facing the right way entering Marshall.
middle: after Marshall headed north twelve miles to Jefferson, TX, where KCS Texas main crossed ex MP main to Texarkana and route of Eagle but that ended up being an hour wasted. After Jefferson, headed east to Blanchard, LA, where KCS main to Heavener connects to former L&A Texas main catching a northbound grain empty.
bottom: alway stop at site of former Shreveport Union Station just on south side of downtown Shreveport where UP's former T&P runs jointly with KCS mains to Meridian and New Orleans whered this westbound UP was creeping along. This is a great spot and is only blocks from downtown Shreveport.
.   .   .   last three   .   .   .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/23 05:25 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 03/15/23 18:13
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .  alway seen to have good luck on KCS Shreveport Sub through Monroe in the afternoon and today was no exception. I would not have caught any of these guys had I not heard them calling signals.
top: thank goodness KCS calls signals as I heard this guy calling clear at E Gibsland, BUT, as I stood in the cab of my truck at a crossing just west of Gibsland, when I hit the shutter button, nothing! And I just charged the battery last night? This guy was doing all of the track speed of sixty and it took twenty miles to get ahead barely catching him at Haughton, LA, just east of Shreveport. Fortunately I brought my trusty old back up SONY. This camera is not good for fast moving trains as it has a bit of a hesitation before it shoots and sometimes doesn't.
middle: after gassing up at the Pilot in West Monroe I headed straight to the KCS tracks and the lights were just starting to flash as I went across barely grabbing a shot at Chineare, first siding west of Monroe.
bottom: right on his block was this westbound grain empty in West Monroe, making three afternoon westbounds into good light.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/23 18:36 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 03/15/23 18:40
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: MacBeau

Excellent material as always JB. I hear the road calling me again too.

Date: 03/15/23 21:33
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: funnelfan

Nice! Probably going to be a lot more trains on the KCS to chase in the future.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 03/15/23 21:35
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: Roadmaster

I did not see the MP caboose the last time I was in Longview, but I did ask the taxi driver taking me to the former T&P station if he would go on a slight detour over to the Santa Fe inoperative distant signal south of the UP/BNSF interchange.  The driver obliged; maybe I can find my photo of the signal tomorrow. For now, here's a Google Street view of the back of the signal:  https://www.google.com/maps/@32.4939239,-94.7180748,3a,71.7y,172.31h,82.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szCBfMn1Sl6kWz3fMlFbyfg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


Date: 03/16/23 19:03
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: koloradokid

Nice to see MP 13000 is still working for the railroad.  I first saw her when she was brand new and viisitng Colroado.  Looking a bit worn, but good.


Date: 03/17/23 10:46
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: SP8595

Nice series!  

Date: 03/18/23 15:24
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: ns1000

Nice pics!!

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