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Western Railroad Discussion > BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill

Date: 03/18/23 16:34
BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: erielackawanna

Yesterday (03/17/2023)'s BNSF First Watson has finished its work at the El Segundo refinery, and had lunch, and is now on its way back to Torrance, where it will do more customer switching before finally heading back to Watson Yard. This classic scene of Monoco Hill in Lawndale California may be drastically altered when LA Metro Rail extends through here to Torrance. (Photo Lawndale, CA, March 17, 2023.)

Date: 03/18/23 19:06
Re: BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: Gonut1

What a great scene! Too bad it may or will change, I'm sure for the worst. Furthermore this is so far fetched a scene from your early New Jersey postings lately! I was born and raised in southeastern PA and have resided within  a 25 mile radius my entire 77 years, with the exception of short stints in North Carolina and New Jersey while serving Uncle Sam. Howevver my travels have taken me as far west as Missouri, Arkansas, Texas and Wisconsin. I've been in every state and Province east of there, except PEI and New Foundland. The impetus was professional racing, now long ago and far away. During those travels I made many 35mm and digital images and quite a few analog videos. Very few have been of the quality I see here on TO. Any railroad items captured were grab shots while travelling.
Thanks for all your great posts, many bring bacl memories of stuff I saw back when.

Date: 03/18/23 20:26
Re: BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: krm152

That is a super excellent scene!
Thanks for your photo posting.

Date: 03/19/23 03:41
Re: BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: CimaScrambler

Nice shooting!  That area is such a garden.  Get 'em while you can.

Kit Courter
Canyon Lake, CA
LunarLight Photography

Date: 03/19/23 10:27
Re: BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: SCUfoamer

Always love to see modern industrial work in timeless scenes. It sure is nice to see vintage signal infrastructure and a lack of overhead wires too! Nice picture

Date: 03/19/23 15:52
Re: BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: SP8595

Fantastic shot!

Date: 03/20/23 17:47
Re: BNSF First Watson Ascendin Monoco Hill
Author: bobk

Very nice!

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