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Western Railroad Discussion > Bluestem, Washington question(s)

Date: 03/28/23 12:07
Bluestem, Washington question(s)
Author: zaltwsp7


1. I've often heard on a recent program that many eastbounds get held at Bluestem to await traffic coming out of Spokane. That's quite the distance and wait time for the train crews.
What factors in to this? Is it the remaining sidings to Latah Jct are too short?

2. I remember many years back an eastbound was tied down at Bluestem, creating a near 40 mile long section between sidings. I wonder if a crossover is warranted in the center of the two main track segment near Mohler, that would have helped in that scenario.

Thank you
- Andy

Date: 03/28/23 13:12
Re: Bluestem, Washington question(s)
Author: swaool

Going east from Bluestem, Edwall is 7532', Espanola is 6930' and Lyons is 7442'.  None of them are bonded, so moves into them have to be made at restricted speed, and all have grade crossings in them.  I think they all could be lengthened fairly easily, but that doesn't eliminate the issue of blocking crossings.

mike woodruff
spokane wa

Date: 03/28/23 14:17
Re: Bluestem, Washington question(s)
Author: funnelfan

It's most due to siding length issues. You also often see trains holding short of sidings due to the issues with crossings in the sidings. I'm kinda surprised BNSF hasn't tried to put in a long siding between Waukon and the first crossing west of Espanola to have a long crossing free siding to replace Edwall and Espanola.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/23 21:42 by funnelfan.

Date: 03/28/23 15:01
Re: Bluestem, Washington question(s)
Author: Pacific5th

As other have stated its a siding length issue. if you have a long train EB and another WB either someone waits at Bluestem or Spokane. There is a hand throw WB M1-M2 crossover at Harington but really only the local will use it to access the other main. I agree it would be nice to have a real crossover in there somewhere.

Date: 03/28/23 17:40
Re: Bluestem, Washington question(s)
Author: bluesman

Management won't like this: Adjust the train length to fit the sidings along the line better.

Date: 03/28/23 21:38
Re: Bluestem, Washington question(s)
Author: zaltwsp7

Thank you so much for the insight and input!..
Mike, Ted, bluesman, and especially Pacific5th who probably has to contend with this matter. :)
- Andy

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