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Western Railroad Discussion > NWP At Black Point

Date: 05/22/23 21:14
NWP At Black Point
Author: phthithu

Yonder comes the NWP with a rare daylight start at Ignacio to head to the interchange at Lombard. I don't know how often it happens, but when they tie up at Ignacio their cars get left just inside the eastern Ignacio yard board and the power is tied down on the Heirloom Storage spur. Later in the day, JBWest caught this train at Lombard. I saw the pictures here, Highway 37 posing too daunting of an obstacle even to drive from Lakeville Highway up to Sear's Point! This was in April of this year. 

Date: 05/22/23 21:24
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: Topfuel

Looks like some good business, but is it still just one customer?  If so, if they go away then I assume the NWP freight service is doomed.

Date: 05/22/23 21:31
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: pdt

I believe they have 2 major customers, and 1 or 2 other smaller ones. 

Biggest problem, as i see it, is that the freight ops is run by the SMART ppl, who may very well be the usual govt issue dummies, who dont understand that freight can pay for some of their passenger ops, and it helps the local economy.   So soliciting more freight biz is something beyond their capabilities.   Still hoping for the best for the NWP freight ops.


Date: 05/22/23 21:34
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: weather

Great catch Parker!~

Date: 05/23/23 06:12
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: atsf121

Love the angle in that first one, great picture. I always wanted to see a train in that bridge as a kid when we would drive by on trips to Marin or Point Reyes.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/23/23 06:44
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: mococomike

Nice shots of EspeeBoy.

Date: 05/23/23 07:27
Re: NWP At Black Point

I assume that Schellville is the shop for this locomotive and where is that town?

Ed Burns

Date: 05/23/23 14:55
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: phthithu

> I assume that Schellville is the shop for this
> locomotive and where is that town?
> Ed Burns

Black Point is in Marin County on the Petaluma River nearest incorporated town would be Novato.  I'm shooting from the Sonoma County side of the river which is the north side. See: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.1137692,-122.501562,1347m/data=!3m1!1e3

Date: 05/23/23 15:55
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: jbwest

phthithu Wrote:
>> I'm shooting from the Sonoma County side of the
> river which is the north side.

And how did you get in there....was the gate left open, did you take a long walk, or borrow the row boat.  That is the best angle for the bridge, but tough to get to.


Date: 05/23/23 17:33
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: phthithu

A rowboat would've been the right way to go. I donned a pair of waders and walked through the marsh to get there. Not easy and I did a few faceplants on the way as the pickleweed does a great job hiding fairly deep little channels. And when I got there, with my zoom lens that zooms out only to 80mm, I realized I shoudl ahve brought a wider lens! Oh well. 

jbwest Wrote:
> phthithu Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >> I'm shooting from the Sonoma County side of
> the
> > river which is the north side.
> And how did you get in there....was the gate left
> open, did you take a long walk, or borrow the row
> boat.  That is the best angle for the bridge, but
> tough to get to.

Date: 05/23/23 23:00
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: MrMRL

mococomike Wrote:
> Nice shots of EspeeBoy.

I wonder how/if he likes running with my former longtime BNSF hoghead Marcus Cortez, (and his son) who both now work up north on the SMART line.

~ Mr. MRL

Date: 05/24/23 16:49
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: ns1000

I like Pic 1!!

Date: 05/25/23 16:44
Re: NWP At Black Point
Author: Fizzboy7

Still the cleanest EMD in Ca.!

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