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Western Railroad Discussion > Swift-moving, 2x2 loaded unit Beltrami, MN, grain train- 05/26/23

Date: 05/26/23 20:56
Swift-moving, 2x2 loaded unit Beltrami, MN, grain train- 05/26/23
Author: jmulhol2

A swift-moving, 2x2 loaded unit grain train with 116-cars is seen here blasting out of the west end of the BNSF Grand Forks, ND, train yard during the late morning hours of 05/26/2023. This train was originally loaded at the "West Central Ag Services" grain elevator in Beltrami, MN, located along the Minnesota Northern Railroad and was handed off to a BNSF crew in Crookston, MN. This train is eventually bound for unloading at points southward. Interesting that the train was in a 2x2 power configuration given that most unit grain trains (around these parts at least) are typically in 3x0, 2x1, 1x2, or 1x1 power configurations; however, it appeared that only the first DPU (BNSF #4184) was actually online as evidenced by the exhaust plume extending vertically from the "Dash9" motor. 

Train symbol: G-BTR??? 

BNSF #7330 (GE ES44DC; built: 05/2009)
BNSF #6931 (GE ES44C4; built: ??/????)
BNSF #4184 (GE C44-9W; built: 07/2002)
BNSF #4598 (GE C44-9W; built: 11/1999)

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