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Western Railroad Discussion > Trying to get caught up

Date: 06/02/23 22:00
Trying to get caught up
Author: oyw

Even though I’m still making it out regularly, I’ve been busy with other things lately and have started to build up a backlog of photos that I just haven’t had time to post. In an attempt to get caught up, I will begin with Sunday May 21. It was one of those good mornings where almost everything fell into place, here is a quick photographic rundown.

1) The day began under partly cloudy skies at Pine Lodge with a pair of eastbounds, first was 3775 on Main track 1 at 7:14AM.

2) Separated by 22 minutes was BNSF 6507 on the ZSBDALT.

3) Next the QNYCLAC, which frequently runs with NS power, is seen near Blue Cut behind NS 8027, UP 7014, NS 4574 followed by 3 BNSF units 4275, 4252 and 3771.

Date: 06/02/23 22:02
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: oyw

A tip from a friend gave me reason to wait at Sullivan’s Curve. A geometry train was out of LA with BNSF Warbonnet 717 for power.

4) First up was this “going away” shot of UP 7205 as the rear DP on an auto train.

5) The geometry train came into view at 8:55AM.

6) The unmanned geometry car BNSF 92 is former Ringling Bros.

Date: 06/02/23 22:05
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: oyw

7) Five minutes later up on the UP was 2552 leading a mixture of power on the MWCNP.

8) My luck finally ran out as clouds rolled in just as the UP 1989 approached on the point of the ZLBDV so I opted for a head-on shot before leaving Sullivan’s.

9) Since it was still relatively early and not knowing enough to quit, I gave chase. The sun finally broke out at Helendale but, by then, it was almost 11AM.

Several good trains in a matter of hours made for a great morning and I still have a few more less interesting days before I’m caught back up, so thanks for looking.


Date: 06/02/23 22:38
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: 3rdswitch

Really nice bunch Bob.

Date: 06/02/23 22:40
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: E25

Nice ones!

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 06/03/23 05:01
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: texchief1

Great shots!

RC Lundgren

Date: 06/03/23 06:41
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: MacBeau

You sure have good luck with interesting power. Nice ones.

Date: 06/03/23 06:43
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: SCKP187

Great, sharp images.  You really hit the jackpot for foreign and special power.
Brian Stevens

Date: 06/03/23 06:46
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: Notch7

Beautiful set of interesting and well shot pics.

Date: 06/03/23 07:16
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: PasadenaSub

Great catches and variety.


Date: 06/03/23 09:55
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: SP8595

Pool is Cool and Nice shots of the 1989!

Date: 06/03/23 17:39
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: TheNavigator

Nice catches and variety, especially the North Platte power! 1989 looked good at Helendale, too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/23 17:40 by TheNavigator.

Date: 06/03/23 19:47
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: donner_dude1

Excellent as usual.

Date: 06/04/23 14:48
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: cchan006

oyw Wrote:
> 8) My luck finally ran out as clouds rolled in
> just as the UP 1989 approached on the point of the
> ZLBDV so I opted for a head-on shot before leaving
> Sullivan’s.

Many years past,  heritage units often ended up on ZLCBR and ZBRLC. Looks like ZLBDV is the one getting those now. 

> Several good trains in a matter of hours made for
> a great morning and I still have a few more less
> interesting days before I’m caught back up, so
> thanks for looking.

Always enjoy your Cajon reports with very interesting trains!

Date: 06/04/23 19:09
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: bobk

Awesome series as always!

Date: 06/05/23 12:00
Re: Trying to get caught up
Author: ns1000

Nice shots!!

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