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Western Railroad Discussion > Type of Cataclysmic Failure

Date: 09/16/23 21:33
Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: MacBeau

What has to happen with an Amtrak locomotive to force its set out in the middle of nowhere? This P42 was found Wednesday sitting at East Peach Springs, Arizona on the Seligman Sub. 
Be of good cheer,

Date: 09/16/23 21:50
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: pdt

Axle, axle bearing, traction motor, brake issues.........

Date: 09/16/23 22:25
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: Ritzville

Interesting catch Mac. Like the clouds in the bsckground.


Date: 09/16/23 22:28
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: mapboy

Here's Amtrak P42DC 207 at Colado, NV, set out due to problems on California Zephyr #6 on 10/20/13.  That's a Renzenberger van.


Date: 09/16/23 23:28
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: MrMRL

The AMTK 44 did/has made it further westbound. It has been sitting deep inside BNSF's Hobart Intermodal Yard in Los Angeles for the last day or so. Just waiting for someone to ferry it the finale 3.5 miles to the Amtrak shops near Redondo Junction.

~ Mr. MRL

Date: 09/17/23 06:39
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: tferk

AMTK 44 was set out early morning 9/9 off #4-08.  #4 continued west with one unit as far as Winslow, AZ, where they added a BNSF unit.
At the time, it was the SECOND failed Amtrak unit on the BNSF Seligman Subdivision (see following post about the other.)

44 was picked up on 9/14 by B-ALTLAC (Alliance-LA baretable).   

Here is a photo of single-unit Amtrak 4 east of Flagstaff on the morning of Sept 9th.


Ted Ferkenhoff
Flagstaff, AZ

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/23 06:40 by tferk.

Date: 09/17/23 07:15
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: RailDawg

How does that train handle with just one locomotive?

Does providing power to the passenger cars limit the power available for say acceleration?


Date: 09/17/23 07:28
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: HotWater

RailDawg Wrote:
> How does that train handle with just one
> locomotive?

Slower speeds on ascending grades.

> Does providing power to the passenger cars limit
> the power available for say acceleration?


> Chuck

Date: 09/17/23 10:38
Definition of Cataclysm
Author: longliveSP

<SIGH> The abuse of the English language continues.

Everyone loves to jump on Mass Media and point out their mistakes and innuendo, yet here on good ole TO that is exactly what takes place on a constant basis.


Date: 09/17/23 10:43
Re: Definition of Cataclysm
Author: BAB

longliveSP Wrote:
> The abuse of the English language continues.
> Everyone loves to jump on Mass Media and point out
> their mistakes and innuendo, yet here on good ole
> TO that is exactly what takes place on a constant
> basis.
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/catacly
> sm

Sorry many of us dont follow those rules and upsets you so much would suggest taking a pill and resting might help. Thanks for pointing it out..................NOT.

Date: 09/17/23 12:11
Re: Definition of Cataclysm
Author: MrMRL

longliveSP Wrote:
> The abuse of the English language continues.
> Everyone loves to jump on Mass Media and point out
> their mistakes and innuendo, yet here on good ole
> TO that is exactly what takes place on a constant
> basis.
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cataclysm

Date: 09/17/23 14:15
Re: Definition of Cataclysm
Author: CPCoyote

If anyone cares, #44 was the lead unit on Obama’s inaugural train in 2009.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 09/17/23 17:15
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: AndyBrown

tferk Wrote:

> Here is a photo of single-unit Amtrak 4 east of
> Flagstaff on the morning of Sept 9th.

Nice catch with the single unit!


Date: 09/17/23 18:39
Re: Type of Cataclysmic Failure
Author: Gonut1

CP Coyote,
Funny! That is truely a rather significant factoid. However, I embrace that information however minute it may be. And I'm rather certain it didn't breakdown during that call to duty.
It was once pointed out to me that I was seething cesspool of useless knowledge. However I am willing to share those excrements of knowledge with anyone willing to listen.
In actuality those old Amtrak units with probably millions of miles on them, and probably need replacement ASAP. Imagine driving your daily driver car for that many years and miles. Do you think it may break down requiring some AAA assistance on rare occassion?

Date: 09/18/23 08:31
Re: Definition of Cataclysm
Author: sf1010

longliveSP Wrote:
> The abuse of the English language continues.
> Everyone loves to jump on Mass Media and point out
> their mistakes and innuendo, yet here on good ole
> TO that is exactly what takes place on a constant
> basis.
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/catacly
> sm

Speaking of Mass Media -- SFGate, a site run by a San Francisco newspaper, reported a "massive sink hole" after a water main broke.

Date: 09/18/23 19:54
Re: Definition of Cataclysm
Author: ProAmtrak

BAB Wrote:
> longliveSP Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The abuse of the English language continues.
> >
> > Everyone loves to jump on Mass Media and point
> out
> > their mistakes and innuendo, yet here on good
> ole
> > TO that is exactly what takes place on a
> constant
> > basis.
> >
> >
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/catacly
> > sm
> Sorry many of us dont follow those rules and
> upsets you so much would suggest taking a pill and
> resting might help. Thanks for pointing it
> out..................NOT.

I agree, Longlive is just a guy who doesn't have nothing else to do!

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