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Western Railroad Discussion > Moab and Helper area questions

Date: 09/29/23 18:46
Moab and Helper area questions
Author: pennsy3750

We're taking the kids out west again in a few weeks.  Last I heard, Friday was the normal (or, "normal") day for the UP turn job to the potash plant near Moab.  Is that still the case?  (I did a search of the archives, but it didn't turn up any recent info.)  If so, is there a typical time of day when they usually show up?  We haven't done Corona Arch on either of our previous trips to Moab and we want to do it this time, so I'd love to kill two birds with one stone if I'm in the area at the right time.  Finally, how quick do they usually get done at the plant and start heading back north?

Which day(s) is the RMR train coming to town?  I know they don't pass the Corona Arch area, but it could still be a fun chase on the branch if I have time.  Same question for the UP local to the uranium cleanup site?

Anything moving on a regular pattern on the old DRGW around Helper?  Or is everything other than Amtrak running as-needed?

Thanks in advance!

Date: 09/29/23 20:29
Re: Moab and Helper area questions
Author: srman

I'm certainly no expert from that area however while visting the area from Indiana back in July one of those potash trains certainly showed up on a Friday  while I was there. For me it was totally unexpected after leaving Arches National Park as I headed north I passed him going south. 

Date: 09/29/23 23:10
Re: Moab and Helper area questions
Author: Paniolo_man

Helper tends to bank out several trains at a time in the afternoon/evening if they have more than a couple. It isn't rare to see Amtrak, Coal, and Garbage Train run within two hours of one another. Helper yard is easy to scout out, empty coal trains waiting a while will be kept near the back of the yard, trains waiting closer to the yard office don't stay long. BNSF breezes through Helper, they don't seem to be very predictable. Price is a great spot to see trains, If you are interested, I'll give the locations of some of my favorite spots to see trains in Helper/Price/Green River.

Date: 09/29/23 23:36
Re: Moab and Helper area questions
Author: donner_dude1

pennsy3750 Wrote:
> We're taking the kids out west again in a few
> weeks.  Last I heard, Friday was the normal (or,
> "normal") day for the UP turn job to the potash
> plant near Moab.  Is that still the case? 

Unless it's changed in the past month Friday is the day. It leaves GJ around 8am and arrives at Thompson Hill around 10amish and then heads down the Cane Creek Sub. 

> did a search of the archives, but it didn't turn
> up any recent info.)  If so, is there a typical
> time of day when they usually show up?  We
> haven't done Corona Arch on either of our previous
> trips to Moab and we want to do it this time, so
> I'd love to kill two birds with one stone if I'm
> in the area at the right time.  Finally, how
> quick do they usually get done at the plant and
> start heading back north?

Once they reach the plant count on 30-60 minutes work.
> Which day(s) is the RMR train coming to town?  I
> know they don't pass the Corona Arch area, but it
> could still be a fun chase on the branch if I have
> time.  Same question for the UP local to the
> uranium cleanup site?

RMR's website has the day/times. I believe Sunday it leaves Moab early afternoon.

> Anything moving on a regular pattern on the old
> DRGW around Helper?  Or is everything other than
> Amtrak running as-needed?

In addition to the periodic coal trains from the CV Spur and Pleasant Valley Sub (Skyline Loadout) you might check out the Wellington yard to see if any oil trains are ready to depart east.

When I there in July (Wednesday) the local ran from Helper to Wellington to drop off some oil tankers and then made a trip East to the Sunnyside Branch to pick up Dirty Dirt containers from ECDC and headed back to Helper.  

> Thanks in advance!

Date: 09/30/23 13:22
Re: Moab and Helper area questions
Author: RRBMail

Yes! As one modeling Helper, UT, I would love to get your take on places to shoot there and in nearby Price, UT. Thanks in advance! 

Date: 10/01/23 12:50
Re: Moab and Helper area questions
Author: Paniolo_man

RRBMail Wrote:
> Yes! As one modeling Helper, UT, I would love to
> get your take on places to shoot there and in
> nearby Price, UT. Thanks in advance! 

I'll hyperlink to Google Maps if the website lets me.
Helper has great scenery right at the Amtrak Platform. I'd always reccomend stopping by.

Price has a small unsigned park on Main Street with a great view of trains going by.

Several of my videos are taken along the aptly named Railroad Ave.

If you have a vehicle suitable for reasonable dirt roads there is a great crossing along Farnham Road just outside Wellington.  I take my 20 year old minivan out that way in dry weather regularly so most things can handle it.

Woodside Utah is private property, but just north of town a decent dirt road leading to the cemetery grants decent views of the grade.

Airport Road in Green River has great views and keeps you on pavement.

East of Green River has plenty of great shots as well.

Make sure to only drive on dirt in dry weather. If you want pictures or clarification on these spots or others just let me know.

Photo 1: Amtrak #6 approaching the Airport Road crossing in Green River.

Photo 2: Empty IPPX Coal train rounding the corner at the little Main Street park in Price.

Photo 3: Locomotives waiting in Helper.


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