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Western Railroad Discussion > DT Chelsea-El DoradoDate: 09/30/23 17:56 DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: GN1969 Has BNSF cut over the new 2nd track between Chelsea and El Dorado?
Date: 09/30/23 18:14 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: Milw_E70 GN1969 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Has BNSF cut over the new 2nd track between > Chelsea and El Dorado? Yes Date: 10/01/23 04:51 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: dpc37 So are these the crossovers between El Dorado and Ellinor?
El Dorado MP 172.8 Aikman MP 156.2 Orient MP 143.5 Flint MP 134.3 Elliner MP 124.7 Date: 10/01/23 07:31 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: santafe199 dpc37 Wrote: > ... So are these the crossovers ...
You're kinda-sorta on the right track. In westward order (using your Emporia Sub M.P. references): Ellinor MP 124.7 Flint MP 134.3 (EE Bazar) Aikman MP 156.2 El Dorado MP 172.8 (Formerly "Tower B" in the SFe days) There is also a brand new set of crossovers at the site of old Chelsea siding. (M.P. 165.3) You mentioned "Orient" at MP 143.5, which corresponds to the actual teeny-tiny town of Matfield Green. There are indeed plans to build a new set of cross-overs right in the middle of (ahem) "greater downtown Matfield Green". But so far all that has been done is a general distribution of construction material (ballast) & some future signal hardware. The name "Orient" was the original BNSF name for what became "Flint". If this name is now being considered for this new crossover plant, I haven't heard such.. By tradition, short & easy-to-use location names have been used by the RR industry. This practice runs way back to the lightning-slinger, Morse code communication days. But it looks like the new X-over plant will still be named "Matfield Green". A nice bit of nostalgia for those of us whose have been shooting the Flint Hills since the 70s... :^) Date: 10/01/23 07:52 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: dpc37 Thanks Lance
Do you know how the are doing between West Augusta and East Junction? Isn't that supposed to be done this year? Date: 10/01/23 08:27 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: santafe199 dpc37 Wrote: > ... between West Augusta and East Junction ...
I've just heard that last leg has been put on hold, at least until next year... Lance Date: 10/01/23 16:14 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: Milw_E70 Just a quick correction, Flint was the original name for the x-overs at East Bazar, then a few individuals with the right pull got them to rename it Orient, a sort of tribute to the former KCM&O. For reasons unbeknownst to me (although I have my own opinion on it) they reverted back to the name Flint at the last minute. Presently there are a pair of bi-directional absolute signals named CP 1443 at the planned location for the Matfield Green x-overs. The x-overs at Chelsea and Matfield Green were last minute additions to the "master plan".
Grading is complete from West Augusta to Rose Hill and roughly halfway complete from Rose Hill to East Jct. The timeline for completion seems to change on a weekly basis Date: 10/01/23 19:27 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: santafe199 Milw_E70 Wrote: > ... Flint was the original name for the x-overs at East Bazar ...
Aha... and I thought it was Orient all along... Lance (SFe class of '78) Date: 10/02/23 05:50 Re: DT Chelsea-El Dorado Author: dpc37 Thanks for the clarification guys I had most of it right. David