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Western Railroad Discussion > Unprotected coil car loads these days?

Date: 10/01/23 06:38
Unprotected coil car loads these days?
Author: pilotblue

Watching the usual railcams, I see a lot of loaded coil cars on the move without the protective covers. The coil steel is exposed to the elements. Have the customer requirements for protecting the loads changed? I know that handling the covers is pain on both ends, supplier/customer, is the steel industry getting away from that? I know the auto body plants have strict requirements on protecting the incoming steel, has that changed as well?

Thanks for any info!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/23 06:38 by pilotblue.

Date: 10/01/23 06:44
Re: Unprotected coil car loads these days?
Author: atsf121

I still see lots of cars with the covers on here in Utah, so I wonder if it’s the location or the type of load or the customer that makes a difference.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 10/01/23 07:01
Re: Unprotected coil car loads these days?
Author: czephyr17

Check out longliveSP’s excellent post in this thread from six months ago on this topic.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 10/01/23 08:51
Re: Unprotected coil car loads these days?
Author: jgilmore

Yes, depends on the steel itself and state of finish or intended use. Years ago National Steel used to send trainloads of unfinished coil from Ecorse, MI, to its big finishing mill in northern Indiana over Conrail, all the coils were unprotected and made for an interesting sight...


Date: 10/01/23 08:53
Re: Unprotected coil car loads these days?
Author: pilotblue

Thanks, very useful!

czephyr17 Wrote:
> Check out longliveSP’s excellent post in this
> thread from six months ago on this topic.
> https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?2,
> 5649327,5649700#msg-5649700
> Posted from iPhone

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