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Western Railroad Discussion > some c.p. for sunday.........

Date: 10/01/23 12:24
some c.p. for sunday.........
Author: goneon66

here is a w/b 3x2x0 grain train led by with 2 c.p. motors in the lead consist this morning.

the location is just e/of kingman, az on the bnsf's seligman sub (e/of c.p. walapai).

thanks to tferk for this "heads-up"...............


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Date: 10/01/23 13:18
Re: some c.p. for sunday.........
Author: oyw

Awesome, pool is cool!

Date: 10/01/23 13:36
Re: some c.p. for sunday.........
Author: texchief1

Nice video!  Bet that is corn.


Date: 10/01/23 20:56
Re: some c.p. for sunday.........
Author: Ritzville

Nice catch 66 of the grain train moving right along with foreign power on the point!


Date: 10/02/23 08:00
Re: some c.p. for sunday.........
Author: goneon66

thanks for the comments gents.

i'm now looking for a c.n. leader out here...........


Date: 10/04/23 18:19
Re: some c.p. for sunday.........
Author: MacBeau

Got one myself last trip that way. Congratulations on the VOTD.

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