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Western Railroad Discussion > Dash 8 Shoving Platform

Date: 10/01/23 15:35
Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: erielackawanna

Back on September 09, 2023, moments after the sun rose high enough to light the entire scene, an Amtrak special move of ATSF 4-8-4 3751 utilizes a Dash 8 as a shoving platform (at least that's what it looked like, the steamer was working and the diesel going along for the ride). The 3751 would be displayed at the LAUS Train Festival. Next to the two older timers on the main are Metrolink retired F59 variations in Keller Yard.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/23 22:20 by erielackawanna.

Date: 10/01/23 22:04
Re: Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: mojaveflyer

Nice shot! Is that like 'any port in a storm?'

James Nelson
Thornton, CO

Date: 10/02/23 13:54
Re: Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: callum_out

It's a bit more interesting than the 2926 shoving the Tool Car.


Date: 10/02/23 14:23
Re: Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: PHall

If you gotta have a shoving platform then one with good seats and air conditioning is not a bad thing.

Date: 10/02/23 16:03
Re: Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: NSDTK

Now if we could get 3751 on a Saturday Metrolink commuter train

Date: 10/03/23 21:33
Re: Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: alto_towerbob

Can we get a re-check on the year of this photo?  Seems like a lot of retired F59PH and F59PHI units in Keller Yard for 2009...  


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/23 21:34 by alto_towerbob.

Date: 10/03/23 22:19
Re: Dash 8 Shoving Platform
Author: erielackawanna

September 09, 2023.

alto_towerbob Wrote:
> Can we get a re-check on the year of this photo? 
> Seems like a lot of retired F59PH and F59PHI units
> in Keller Yard for 2009...  
> Bob

Posted from iPhone

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