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Western Railroad Discussion > Apache Sunday

Date: 10/01/23 16:11
Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

I got a tip last night that The Apache Railway would be running today (call time 0600), picking up a trainload of windmill blades at Holbrook AZ. Since I've missed EVERY one of these movements to date, I was determined to catch this one. Out the door at 0515, I intercepted 2 units (C424 #98 and C420 #81) running light as they approached Holbrook at 0745. They made prompt work of their pickup in Holbrook, and were underway south in less than an hour. I chased them to a spot west of Snowflake, and was done by 1015. 

Attaching some cell phone photos, and please excuse me if they're not perfect. I'm jugging my 35mm camera and a cell phone, and my film shots are the priority.

1. Light power approaching Holbrook yard limits.
2. Tied onto their train in Holbrook yard. The full moon is still visible above the first windmill blade.
3. Departing Holbrook yard.

Date: 10/01/23 16:17
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

4. Approaching the Highway 377 grade crossing in perfect light. Unfortunately most of the train wasn't visible on this side of the curve (different story for an afternoon shot).
5. Alongside Highway 77. This is known as MP5, and is the closest that the tracks get to the highway.
6. West of Snowflake, this spot requires a bit of a walk in. Loved watching the blades snake around the S curves. The Alcos, in a bit of irony, throw a bit of diesel exhaust, proving that you can't have "green energy" without fossil fuels!

Date: 10/01/23 16:29
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

For those in the area, a crew member told me that another shipment of blades should arrive on BNSF in Holbrook on Monday, and he expected that The Apache would run up to Holbrook on Tuesday to retrieve them.

Date: 10/01/23 18:07
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: TheNavigator

Nice coverage and images!

Date: 10/01/23 19:02
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: railstiesballast

All are interesting, but #6, with the curves, the blades, and the wide open vista is my favorite.

Date: 10/01/23 19:44
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: robj

Love the final shot. All good.


Posted from Android

Date: 10/01/23 21:02
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

Thank you all for the kind words.

Date: 10/02/23 05:16
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: bobk

Great catch and shots!  Last one is excellent!

Date: 10/02/23 05:48
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: tferk

Great coverage, and congrats on IOTD.  Glad you could finally catch them.

Ted Ferkenhoff
Flagstaff, AZ

Date: 10/02/23 06:19
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

tferk Wrote:
> Great coverage, and congrats on IOTD.  Glad you
> could finally catch them.

Thank YOU! I would have been home yesterday if not for your text Saturday night...

Date: 10/02/23 09:31
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RetiredHogger

Very neat. Number 6 (IMO) is the "pick of the litter".

On a personal note: we exit I-40 West at Holbrook, and drive to Payson (then south to the Phoenix area) when we visit my brother. I've wondered about this line, as we cross it not far outside of Holbrook. Thanks for posting this. It's neat to know.

Date: 10/02/23 11:20
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: boejoe

Any evidence of snakes while watching the snakelike train?

Date: 10/02/23 16:51
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

boejoe Wrote:
> Any evidence of snakes while watching the
> snakelike train?

No snakes seen yesterday, but definitely had to watch my step for the "snakelike" shot. Lots of cows have been in that area. LOL

Date: 10/02/23 17:12
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: march_hare

Just imagine, when those Alcos were built, how unimaginable this assignment would have been. A train load of fiberglass windmill parts to a remote location in Arizona?

People would have thought you were crazy. But things change in 50 years...

Date: 10/02/23 23:12
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: gobbl3gook

Date: 10/03/23 07:27
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: RayH

gobbl3gook Wrote:
> Nice "S Curves"  
> Is this the location?  
> https://www.openrailwaymap.org/?style=standard&lat
> =34.51826157393329&lon=-110.17767906188965&zoom=14
> https://www.google.com/maps/@34.5127301,-110.19340
> 56,3500m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
> https://opentopomap.org/#map=15/34.51061/-110.1892
> 4
> https://caltopo.com/map.html#ll=34.51163,-110.1875
> 7&z=15&b=t
> Ted in OR

Yes, it's a walk in shot off 277. You'll find a wide spot on the shoulder to park, and a decent sized gap in the barbed wire.

Date: 10/05/23 16:20
Re: Apache Sunday
Author: ns1000

Great pics!!

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