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Western Railroad Discussion > 'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'

Date: 10/01/23 19:31
'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'
Author: santafe199

Ok... so my thread title doesn’t have the same level of inspiration that a certain dog sitting on his doghouse has. BTW: doesn’t he get splinters sitting like that? I wonder.

A bit over a month ago I was out in the sticks SE of Enterprise, KS and had a full moon rising. But I had no RR subjects to silhouette it with except this old Coop elevator at Pearl. Knowing I was probably shooting images that would be sent to cyber-purgatory, I pushed the ISO up to 1600 and hand-held a half-dozen shots @ 125th/second in shutter-priority. When I downloaded and looked at these throw-away images right out of the camera I had no intentions of keeping them.

But there were football games on this afternoon so I saved one image and took it into Photoshop for some exploratory surgery. I’ve learned how not to get cross-eyed (or should I say bug-eyed) by training one eye on my computer screen and the other on the TV. I knew I would have enough “noise” to drown out a U2 concert. Hence, the thread title. But I was startled at how sharp the moon itself came out! All I really needed was to wash out a lot of yellow and a small bit of magenta from the orb. I started in on the chunky noise stuff, but decided to just leave it be. Along with that ghostly-looking elevator it gives this image a sort of Op Art look...

1. Ghostly old Coop elevator at microscopically tiny Pearl, KS. Even if the wind is blowing right, there would be no population to register. In fact, Pearl is so small it doesn’t even have room to post one of those signs with the population on both sides! However, this giant elevator can be seen for many miles around. It was once served by the Mighty Fine Rock Island Line. Looking ESE from rural 1800 Road, its almost ghostly apparition can be made out. But you have to look closely. It’s 8:27 PM on August 30, 2023.

Thanks for listening!
Lance Garrels

Back to football... :^)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/23 19:35 by santafe199.

Date: 10/01/23 19:45
Re: 'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'
Author: santafe199

Added @ 2145: Apparently the Chiefs now need all the help they can get...


Date: 10/01/23 20:04
Re: 'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'
Author: Gonut1

The Chiefs escapes me as I'm not a sports fan. I race cars,I am a participant not a spectator. I done good for a 77 year old guy today. Those pesky 30 year olds make it difficult but I do okay! All 4 wheels don't need to contact rthe ground!
Whatever, that is a super moon image. I have so many times tried to get some of the incredible moon images my eye captures but are so difficult to grab on, something called film (way back), or using pixels (much cheaper). 
 This is a super shot. Chunky maybe? I like it.

Date: 10/01/23 21:45
Re: 'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'
Author: mojaveflyer

I shot this just before the last full moon from my deck. It was hand held using my Canon R7 and a 100 - 400 mm EF lens. These new mirrorless cameras are absolutely amazing!

James Nelson
Thornton, CO

Date: 10/01/23 21:49
Re: 'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'
Author: santafe199

mojaveflyer Wrote: > ... These new mirrorless cameras are absolutely amazing!

I haven't gone 'mirrorless'... Yet... But I am paying attention! :^)


Date: 10/01/23 23:08
Re: 'It was a Dark & Chunky Night!'
Author: ATSFSuperChief

Reminds of times in the late 1960's when I saw this kind of stuff sometimes. To badly misquote Zap Comics: OXO WOW MOM GOD DOG

Don wishing for snow.

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