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Western Railroad Discussion > STB wants re-assessment of environment study

Date: 10/02/23 09:50
STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: tomstp

Date: 10/02/23 11:07
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: JDLX

Reguardless of what you may think....this case has been active in front of the STB in one form or another since at least 2021.  During that time it came to light that the Western Pacific formally abandoned this line around 1983, which caused Savage to withdraw their first application and refile earlier last year.  Because there are presently no common carrier operations to transfer due to the initial abandonment, reestablishing common carrier service on the abandoned line plus the new track construction are tantamount to a newly constructed line, which requires compliance/conformance with the National Environmental Policy Act.  This is NOT a "re-assessment of environmental study" as the subject line states, but in fact the release for public comment of the Draft Environmental Assessment completed to comply with NEPA on this kind of federal action.  

Jeff Moore
Elko, NV 

Date: 10/02/23 11:52
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: junctiontower

JDLX Wrote:
> Reguardless of what you may think....this case has
> been active in front of the STB in one form or
> another since at least 2021.  During that time it
> came to light that the Western Pacific formally
> abandoned this line around 1983, which caused
> Savage to withdraw their first application and
> refile earlier last year.  Because there are
> presently no common carrier operations to transfer
> due to the initial abandonment, reestablishing
> common carrier service on the abandoned line plus
> the new track construction are tantamount to a
> newly constructed line, which requires
> compliance/conformance with the National
> Environmental Policy Act.  This is NOT a
> "re-assessment of environmental study" as the
> subject line states, but in fact the release for
> public comment of the Draft Environmental
> Assessment completed to comply with NEPA on this
> kind of federal action.  
> Jeff Moore
> Elko, NV 

Paint it however you want, but the way these things usually work, by the time they get approval to do it, the need or the desire will no longer be there.  Always remember that dragging these things out forever and ever creates lots of work for bureaucrats, lawyers and politicians.  There was a rail line there once.  There is a desire to have a rail line there agiain.  In my opinion, this could all be hashed out in six months.  Anything longer is just a massive taffy pull. 

Date: 10/02/23 13:45
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: callum_out

And never mind driving by and looking at the environment, your snap judgment of the obvious is not grounds
for an accelerated study. Looking for sensitive areas near the line is like looking out in space for intelligent
life and concluding that there must be some somewhere.


Date: 10/02/23 17:08
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: MEKoch

Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country ever again.

There your study is complete.  


Date: 10/02/23 17:59
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: callum_out

This line is to serve an industrial park in Tooele and has little if anything to do with fossil fuels otther than
the line will save 10 million gallons of fuel for trucks per week, your study may vary.


Date: 10/02/23 22:25
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: pennsy3750

MEKoch Wrote:
> Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no
> fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country ever
> again.


Date: 10/03/23 04:28
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: junctiontower

pennsy3750 Wrote:
> MEKoch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no
> > fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country
> ever
> > again.
> Source?

Uh, the policies he has supported and or enacted?  The ONLY reason he hasn't implemented even MORE draconian anti-fossil fuel policies is he is trying to slow down the imploding of the economy on HIS watch, which is now angering some of his strident supporters who were expecting him to do MUCH more.  Regardless of your politics, that is pretty un-debatable. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/23 04:29 by junctiontower.

Date: 10/03/23 06:30
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: goneon66

pennsy3750 Wrote:
> MEKoch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no
> > fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country
> ever
> > again.
> Source?



Date: 10/03/23 14:04
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: skinem

MEKoch Wrote:
> Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no
> fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country ever
> again.
> There your study is complete.  
> Proceed..............
  Wouldn't expect to hear anything else from a Koch, at least if you're Klan Koch kin here in Kansas. You've always got the luxury of throwing more money than most ever hope to get your way at least.

Date: 10/04/23 06:51
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: junctiontower

skinem Wrote:
> MEKoch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no
> > fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country
> ever
> > again.
> >
> > There your study is complete.  
> >
> > Proceed..............
>   Wouldn't expect to hear anything else from a
> Koch, at least if you're Klan Koch kin here in
> Kansas. You've always got the luxury of throwing
> more money than most ever hope to get your way at
> least.

I would prefer THAT to using government agencies funded with tax dollars confascated from me to try to stop projects that I would personally be in favor of.

Date: 10/04/23 12:13
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: skinem

junctiontower Wrote:
> skinem Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > MEKoch Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants no
> > > fossil fuels burned anywhere in this country
> > ever
> > > again.
> > >
> > > There your study is complete.  
> > >
> > > Proceed..............
> >   Wouldn't expect to hear anything else from a
> > Koch, at least if you're Klan Koch kin here in
> > Kansas. You've always got the luxury of
> throwing
> > more money than most ever hope to get your way
> at
> > least.
> I would prefer THAT to using government agencies
> funded with tax dollars confascated from me to try
> to stop projects that I would personally be in
> favor of.
   I apologize, I'll never be a fan of 'pay to play and get what you want', but I accept you're good with that. Be well.  

Date: 10/04/23 14:28
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: junctiontower

skinem Wrote:
> junctiontower Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > skinem Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > MEKoch Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants
> no
> > > > fossil fuels burned anywhere in this
> country
> > > ever
> > > > again.
> > > >
> > > > There your study is complete.  
> > > >
> > > > Proceed..............
> > >   Wouldn't expect to hear anything else from
> a
> > > Koch, at least if you're Klan Koch kin here
> in
> > > Kansas. You've always got the luxury of
> > throwing
> > > more money than most ever hope to get your
> way
> > at
> > > least.
> >
> > I would prefer THAT to using government
> agencies
> > funded with tax dollars confascated from me to
> try
> > to stop projects that I would personally be in
> > favor of.
>    I apologize, I'll never be a fan of 'pay to
> play and get what you want', but I accept you're
> good with that. Be well.  

Are you good with unelected government bureaucrats using tax dollars to pursue whatever agenda gets them what THEY want? Not to mention the fact If the Koch's or whoever can buy whatever results they want, it's largely because politicians and these same bureaucrats position themselves to be the benefactors of whichever side is makes them the best deal. The whole process stinks, but if is going to stink, at least have the courtesy to not involve MY tax dollars.

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/23 14:32 by junctiontower.

Date: 10/04/23 19:12
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: skinem

junctiontower Wrote:
> skinem Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > junctiontower Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > skinem Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > MEKoch Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > Studies will produce that Joe Biden wants
> > no
> > > > > fossil fuels burned anywhere in this
> > country
> > > > ever
> > > > > again.
> > > > >
> > > > > There your study is complete.  
> > > > >
> > > > > Proceed..............
> > > >   Wouldn't expect to hear anything else
> from
> > a
> > > > Koch, at least if you're Klan Koch kin here
> > in
> > > > Kansas. You've always got the luxury of
> > > throwing
> > > > more money than most ever hope to get your
> > way
> > > at
> > > > least.
> > >
> > > I would prefer THAT to using government
> > agencies
> > > funded with tax dollars confascated from me
> to
> > try
> > > to stop projects that I would personally be
> in
> > > favor of.
> >    I apologize, I'll never be a fan of 'pay
> to
> > play and get what you want', but I accept
> you're
> > good with that. Be well.  
> Are you good with unelected government bureaucrats
> using tax dollars to pursue whatever agenda gets
> them what THEY want? Not to mention the fact If
> the Koch's or whoever can buy whatever results
> they want, it's largely because politicians and
> these same bureaucrats position themselves to be
> the benefactors of whichever side is makes them
> the best deal. The whole process stinks, but if
> is going to stink, at least have the courtesy to
> not involve MY tax dollars.
> Posted from iPhone
   Well gee, Wally, that sucks... and I'm shocked. Maybe if you asked 'em courteously, they wouldn't 'involve' YOUR tax dollars.

Date: 10/04/23 19:42
Re: STB wants re-assessment of environment study
Author: TCnR

The radio news just explained that the Feds are going to overlook 26 recent Laws to allow the southern border fence to be re-started. Had to listen carefuly since that didn't jivve with recent activities and I may not have the whole story but that's what the National Broadcast on the news radio said.

It reminded me of two well known rules, the Rule of Power in contrast to the Rule of Law. One of those seems to apply to this RR branch.

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