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Western Railroad Discussion > Colorado Pacific Railroad Today

Date: 10/02/23 16:19
Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: Mudrock

Colorado Pacific SD-40-2 1964 and 1923 on a train at Boone, CO. The 1964 is ex. National Railway Equipment 3045; exx. First Union Rail 3045; exxx.  Electro Motive Division Leasing SD40 6427; exxxx. Electro Motive Division 427; exxxxx. Conrail  6270; nee Penn Central 6270.

1923 is ex. National Railway Equipment 3019; exx.First Union Rail 3019; exxx. Electro Motive Division Leasing SD40 6402; exxxx.  Electro Motive Division 402; exxxxx. Conrail 6331; exxxxxx. Penn Central 6078; nee Pennsylvania 6078.

From their website, Colorado Pacific Railroad is a rail line that runs from Towner, Colorado to NA Junction, east of Pueblo. It was purchased by the Soloviev Group in 2018 and enables communities in eastern Colorado and western Kansas to transport goods for domestic and international shipment via Union Pacific or BNSF Railroads. The Soloviev Group has refurbished and improved the line, including the construction of a new grain shuttle loader facility. It offers competitive tariff quotes and aims to minimize ground storage for local farmers and shippers.

Date: 10/02/23 18:28
Re: Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: NiagaraMike

NICE paint jobs!

Date: 10/02/23 19:20
Re: Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: jrpoland

Nice shots! It's great to see action on the Towner Line! 

Joel Poland
Columbus, NE

Date: 10/02/23 20:43
Re: Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: DRGWMark

I cannot tell you how sharp that paint scheme is.

Colorado Pacific deserves all the credit in the world for saving the Towner Line after a nasty legal battle and slowly bringing it back to life. The Soloviev Group also purchased the bankrupt San Luis & Rio Grande (now Colorado Pacific Rio Grande - rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?) about a year ago, and similar improvements are underway there.

Date: 10/03/23 21:13
Re: Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: SmokyHillsSwitcher

Just drove down to Eads and took photos of their power parked there last week. In two weeks I’ll be down around Alamosa hopefully chasing the CXRG

Posted from iPhone

Date: 10/04/23 10:06
Re: Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: koloradokid

DRGWMark Wrote:
> I cannot tell you how sharp that paint scheme is.

Sharp, yes.  But I am still trying to figure out the large "X" below the cabs is for.  Not making sense to me without further description.


Date: 10/04/23 12:20
Re: Colorado Pacific Railroad Today
Author: SmokyHillsSwitcher

They can’t have “CP” as their reporting mark, Canadian Pacific already took that. Their holding company, KCVN, also has a farming division called Crossroads Agriculture, with their logo being the CXR. So they just made that their reporting mark

Posted from iPhone

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