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Western Railroad Discussion > Westbounds Passing at Klondike

Date: 10/02/23 17:51
Westbounds Passing at Klondike
Author: ssloansjca

At 6:45 a.m. on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at Klondike, CA, on BNSF Railway's (BNSF) Needles Subdivision, a westbound 3+3 grain train is passed by a westbound intermodal taking the short way. The westbound 3+3 grain train has BNSF 6951, 8043, 9001 + 5324, 7466, NS 4452.
BNSF 6951 is an ES44C4. Reportedly: It was built by GE in 2012 serial number 60885.

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Steve Sloan
San José, CA


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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/23 19:55 by ssloansjca.

Date: 10/02/23 17:51
Re: Westbounds Passing at Klondike
Author: ssloansjca

Second Section.



Date: 10/02/23 18:27
Re: Westbounds Passing at Klondike
Author: NiagaraMike

Neat stuff Steve, hope all is well!

Date: 10/02/23 18:55
Re: Westbounds Passing at Klondike
Author: texchief1

Nice shots, Steve!


Date: 10/03/23 16:20
Re: Westbounds Passing at Klondike
Author: coach

Why do the mainlines seperate here?  Why didn't ATSF just build them side-by-side?

Date: 10/06/23 21:50
Re: Westbounds Passing at Klondike
Author: AndyBrown

coach Wrote:
> Why do the mainlines seperate here?  Why didn't
> ATSF just build them side-by-side?

Original line was built with the large S-curve to ease the grade (I would guess they still needed helpers in the steam era).  When the 2nd line was added it was the "down hill" line so trains can go the short way as the crow flies.

Previous discussion here about trains that go up on track 2 must be well powered (obviously) to make it up the hill.  When main 1 is out of service, helpers are used for westbounds that need it.


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