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Western Railroad Discussion > Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.

Date: 02/20/24 19:26
Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: SPgoletablock

- On Friday 2/16/24 I headed out to Trona and try my luck on the Searles Turn. At Mojave as I was crossing the Jawbone branch off to my East by the airport was 6 UP motors running light from Searles. Arriving at Searles Junction there was coal loads doubled over in the sidings which is always a good sign the PM turn will be running. Getting to Trona proper I spotted 3 fans at the first crossing outside the fencing of the plant, waved and kept going. Arriving at the office/engine house the crew was firing up the power with Kodachrome SD40R in 3rd position. Went back to chat with the other fans and the super excited boy, Liam (12 yrs old ?) ran straight toward me and was all decked out in Trona shirt and hat that the crew had given him. Super cool !! He was dropping all kinds of stuff, Baldwins the Red and Silver units he knew way more than his dad and uncle. The next generation. Was planning on heading out toward the Pinnacles but Liam told me they were running light to grab the coal loads, so I stayed close and the light was better also.
- Shots 1 & 2 are either side of the Westend facility.
- Last is at Searles after wying the power at getting ready for the pickup.

Date: 02/20/24 21:10
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: SanJoaquinEngr

Great catch...

Posted from Android

Date: 02/20/24 21:33
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: oyw

Excellent, that old power is really starting to grow on me!

Date: 02/20/24 21:37
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: SCUfoamer

Nice little sun pockets in the first two. I believe this is the only revenue Kodachrome in existence!

Date: 02/21/24 05:05
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: ShortlinesUSA

oyw Wrote:
> Excellent, that old power is really starting to
> grow on me!

Agreed. I remember when the Trona first got this power I said "Great, just looks like a UP train now." Not anymore.

Mike Derrick

Posted from Android

Date: 02/21/24 06:26
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: SP8595

So Neat and Great shots!

Date: 02/21/24 07:37
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: cchan006

Standard cabs, Tunnel Motors, Kodachrome, and scarlet/grey. Thanks for going out there to give us the Wayback Machine and the desert scenery!

Date: 02/21/24 10:01
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: Gonut1

The desert is not kind to the paint out there, resulting in a very motley looking bunch of locos. But they are still earning their keep.

Date: 02/21/24 14:39
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: TheNavigator

Fine looking shots! Really like the "storm light" of 1 and 2.

Date: 02/21/24 16:09
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: PHall

You have to wonder how much longer these units will be around.

Date: 02/21/24 17:42
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: ShortlinesUSA

There was a lot of talk on social media about 6 months ago they were going to be retired and replaced seemingly imminently. People rushing out there to get photos in their last days and all. And here we are.

Posted from Android

Date: 02/21/24 19:12
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: bobk

Great catch and shots!

Date: 02/22/24 15:02
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: ble692

Replacement is not imminent, but changes are in the winds. Searles Valley Minerals, which owns the mining operations in the Searles Valley as well as the Trona Railway, is looking into their options.

Date: 02/22/24 15:05
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: ble692

SCUfoamer Wrote:
> I believe this is the only revenue Kodachrome in existence!

As far as I know there are only two Kodachrome painted units left in existence at all. Trona Railway 2003 (former SP 7357), and SP 2873 which resides at the Portola Railroad Museum.

Date: 02/22/24 16:11
Re: Trona Railway kodachrome #2003 out for an afternoon stroll.
Author: ns1000

Nice pics!!

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