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Western Railroad Discussion > Orange submarines in Kansas?

Date: 02/26/24 04:10
Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: santafe199

How do you run a grain train at periscope depth? It ain’t easy...

1. BNSF 8562 is on patrol in the prairie deeps just south of Navarre, KS on the Strong City Sub. Where is the periscope?

2. Now patrolling the deeps just south of the UP/BNSF crossing once called Jacobs, KS (back in the Rock Island/Santa Fe days). But I still don’t see any periscope... ;^)
2 photos taken February 25, 2024.

Make your depth 8 feet!
Lance Garrels

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/24 11:50 by santafe199.

Date: 02/26/24 05:10
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: sfn2633

Are you suggesting they "Dive, Dive, Dive" as the train approaches the Golden State Route?

Jeff N
Olathe, KS


Date: 02/26/24 05:26
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: santafe199

sfn2633 Wrote: > ...  Are you suggesting they "Dive, Dive, Dive" ...

< grinning >  I'm still looking for that billiard table all those left coast wags keep yakking about...


Date: 02/26/24 09:29
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: PHall

You missed your opportunity Lance. If you had shot UP units you would have had Yellow Submarines!

Date: 02/26/24 09:57
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: santafe199

PHall Wrote: > ...  UP units ... Yellow Submarines!

Oooh... good call!! Uncle Pete does exercise his trackage rights on this line regularly. I'll have to sneak over there and catch him in "enemy waters"...


Date: 02/26/24 19:21
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: ATSF90East

I remember going into a hobby shop many years ago and seeing a book on the shelf called "U-Boats In Action".  Much to my disappointment it was about submarines of the German Kriegsmarine, not 4-stroke locomotives from Erie. :)

Date: 02/26/24 20:31
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: Evan_Werkema

santafe199 Wrote:

> 2. Now patrolling the deeps just south of the UP/BNSF crossing once called Jacobs, KS (back in
> the Rock Island/Santa Fe days). But I still don’t see any periscope... ;^)

You sure that isn't somebody with really bad conjunctivitis giving you the once-over through the periscope of U-291?

Date: 02/27/24 01:19
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: jgilmore

Evan Werkema wrote:

really bad
> conjunctivitis

Wow, serious wordsmith action going on there. Do you get that when passing through conjuction junction? ;^)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/24 01:19 by jgilmore.

Date: 02/27/24 04:01
Re: Orange submarines in Kansas?
Author: santafe199


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