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Western Railroad Discussion > UP derailment in Iowa

Date: 02/28/24 07:10
UP derailment in Iowa
Author: JasonCNW


This was on the ex cnw line between California Jct. and Sioux City.

Posted from Android

Date: 02/28/24 11:45
Re: UP derailment in Iowa
Author: bankshotone

Not a good day for U.P.

Date: 02/28/24 12:42
Re: UP derailment in Iowa
Author: engineerinvirginia

rantoul Wrote:
> Maybe a rail issue...temps were in 80s Monday,
> then single digits Tuesday....speculating, 'a rail
> kink'.

I once hit a kink I thought would turn us over but all we did was straighten it out.....a little....they still had to cut out a mess of rail. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/24 12:59 by engineerinvirginia.

Date: 02/28/24 12:45
Re: UP derailment in Iowa
Author: toledopatch

rantoul Wrote:
> Maybe a rail issue...temps were in 80s Monday,
> then single digits Tuesday....speculating, 'a rail
> kink'.

No kink after a sharp DROP in temperature - but broken rail pull-aparts are a threat.

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