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Western Railroad Discussion > A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday

Date: 02/28/24 08:29
A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday
Author: swaool

An eastbound train of WPSX coal loads passes the former C&NW steam-era water tower in Lusk WY on May 10, 2014.  AFAIK it is still there.

mike woodruff
anacortes wa

Date: 02/28/24 11:49
Re: A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday
Author: timz

Wonder why it's a half-mile out of town.

Date: 02/28/24 12:20
Re: A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday
Author: swaool

timz Wrote:
Wonder why it's a half-mile out of town.

It's pretty much in the same area as the old roundhouse, part of which is also still there according to Google Earth.

mike woodruff
anacortes wa

Date: 02/28/24 12:28
Re: A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday
Author: TCnR

Extra points for composition.

I did check this out but couldn't get things lined up this nicely, maybe wrong season for good light angle. Looking around, the roundhouse and shop buildings were being used as animal pens, maybe for sheep. Didn't look like much was left and not a place for a railfan with a Colorado rental car to be hanging out. There is a dispaly in town by the overpass with a caboose and other items, maybe the old freight house or similar. At the time there was construction going on, Google streetview has images of all that now.


Date: 02/29/24 13:00
Re: A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday
Author: rrman6

Looks like 5 stalls (doors) and their smoke stacks remain.  Also, the extensions to 1 or 2 stalls remain attached per the aerial view.  Hard telling whats remains below the roofs.

Date: 03/01/24 03:11
Re: A Wyoming Water Tower for Wednesday
Author: atsf121

Nice photo, I remember Lusk as a tiny town on our way to Mt Rushmore. Hope to get back and explore the train side of things some more.


Posted from iPhone

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