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Western Railroad Discussion > Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars

Date: 02/28/24 17:23
Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: Smallplanet

I have searched for hours to find photos of UP's MOW re-purposed dining cars in their Fenefick green, in the 5000-5006 series Lunch Counter Cafe Lounge, and the 4800 series dining cars from the 50's and 60's. Utah Rails has them on a histrical roster, but no photos. If anybody would care to share a photos or two, I would be eternally grateful.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/24 10:57 by Smallplanet.

Date: 02/28/24 19:16
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: BuddPullman


I don't see where any of the 5000 series Cafe Lounge Cars where in UPRR MofW service.  They appear to have been disperesed to Amtrak, Alaska RR, Mexico and some private owners.  UP 5016 ended up back with the UP, now donated to the 261 Group.  A Cafe Lounge is still on the UPP Roster ("City of Denver")  but not in the orginal configuration inside. 

Former Union Pacific 4800 did end up in MofW service, now owned by the Evanston Roundhouse organization, from whay I understand. 


Date: 02/28/24 19:27
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: Gonut1

Ah! it appears ghosts of Fenewick(sp) green are dancing in the windows of 906215!

Date: 02/28/24 22:11
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: dan

wreck trains had diners

Date: 02/29/24 07:47
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: Topfuel

dan Wrote:
> wreck trains had diners

Most UP wreck and work trains had modernized heavyweight diners.  And few of these cars were painted KENEFICK green.  Most were silver.  See picture taken in Cheyenne September 2020.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/24 07:49 by Topfuel.

Date: 02/29/24 11:01
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: Smallplanet

BuddPullman, Thank you

Date: 02/29/24 11:02
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: Smallplanet

Thank you, Steve

Date: 02/29/24 11:05
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: Smallplanet

Never saw that until you mentioned it, Thanks, Steve

Date: 03/01/24 14:56
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: NPRocky

UP 906200 looks like one of the diners (with limited service, I assume), that the UP kept on the Portland Rose after converting it to a day train through Oregon on a run between Portland and Denver and cutting it to one E unit and as few as two coaches, with food service between Portland and Pocatello only.  No baggage car or sleepers any more.  This happened, I think, in 1969 after a failed discontinuance attempt.

Date: 03/01/24 15:19
Re: Union Pacific MOW re-purposed dining cars
Author: dan

the rose was pulled denver-KC . jets and emerging I-70 and most of all loss of mail took it's toll

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