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Western Railroad Discussion > A&C into the setting sun at Milligan

Date: 03/31/24 00:02
A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: oyw

Last weekend, a good friend and I made another attempt at chasing the Arizona and California Railroad. Our last two trips were less than successful but this one was much better. In the next few days I hope to put together a report on our adventures. For now, here is a going away shot of Sunday’s westbound 100 car train at Milligan, CA. With less than 30 minutes until sunset, this would be our last shot of the day before heading back to Parker, AZ for the night.

Thanks for looking and Happy Easter to all!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/24 00:04 by oyw.

Date: 03/31/24 00:26
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: suvart

A friend and I were out there last weekend too. We got skunked Friday, and didn't stick around long enough to see the train Sunday, but the EB went by our camp about 1am Thursday night/Friday morning. 

Date: 03/31/24 01:59
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: Railfan4Christ

Fantastic images, can't wait to see more! Happy Easter.


Date: 03/31/24 06:21
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: bobk

Awesome shot!!

Date: 03/31/24 06:22
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: 3rdswitch

Very nice, Happy Easter.

Date: 03/31/24 09:04
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: goneon66

an awesome image that seems appropriate for today...........


Date: 03/31/24 09:49
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: SP8595

Spectacular shot Bob!

Date: 03/31/24 13:15
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: Keith_Kevet

SP8595 Wrote:
> Spectacular shot Bob!

I'll second that!!


Posted from Android

Date: 03/31/24 17:19
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: callum_out

I dunno, hard to tell if the nose is correctly lit!


Date: 03/31/24 18:52
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: SPgoletablock

Not your usual style, but I’ve seen you do it before. And I really really like it! Hope you and your family had a great Easter my friend.

Date: 04/01/24 01:20
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: cchan006

oyw Wrote:
> Last weekend, a good friend and I made another
> attempt at chasing the Arizona and California
> Railroad.

I'm pretty sure it's the same friend I chatted with at Pepper about 2 months ago, who encouraged me to chase the A&C. I thought your "less than successful" was pretty good, anyway.

Happy Easter and looking foward to your report!

Date: 04/01/24 12:45
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: mapboy

These two photos look like fakes, more like paintings!  April Fools?   8>)


Date: 04/01/24 14:36
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: MacBeau

Good one, and a Happy Easter to you as well. Congratulations on the IOTD.

Date: 04/02/24 19:48
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan
Author: rrman6

Lovin' the "going away" shot with the clouds and God's "clock face" sunbeams!  A most impressive shot here OYW!!!   I'm much late here, but hope all posters here enjoyed a Happy Easter! 

Date: 04/05/24 11:05
Re: A&C into the setting sun at Milligan

Most excellent Mr. Bob! I really like this one. Like another stated, not your usual stuff, but well done my friend!


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