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Western Railroad Discussion > Noise reduction

Date: 04/10/24 21:47
Noise reduction
Author: ACR_Ted

Here is an example of what the newer AI powered photo software can do.

This was taken about 1 hour after sunset at ISO 6400 with a Canon 7D and a small camera mounted flash. The first image is very noisy and I was somewhat disappointed by the noise but being new to digital at the time I just accepted it and forgot about it. The second image was processed using Topaz Labs 'Photo AI' software and I am really impressed by how well it cleans up the noise.

Taken at Shawmut Arizona October 14, 2012.



Date: 04/11/24 02:53
Re: Noise reduction
Author: bob01566

Well done, another option is DXO.
I've used it for years and I don't hesitate to shoot at ISO 25,000 if that what it takes.


Date: 04/11/24 04:22
Re: Noise reduction
Author: dcfbalcoS1

                I can not hear the noise you talk about. Whats the deal?

Date: 04/11/24 06:50
Re: Noise reduction
Author: santafe199

Before he passed on, Don Winslow & I were always getting into conversations about photo-editing. He was a big fan of Topaz, and used it quite a bit. I'm intrigued, but so far I've been happy with the Photoshop tools I've been using...


Date: 04/11/24 08:51
Re: Noise reduction
Author: Gonut1

Ah! And I blunder along with Microsoft Photodraw V2, last produced in 1999 with "Real Intelligence" nothing artificial here :)
Microsoft bailed out of the market when Photoshop ran away with the market.

Date: 04/13/24 16:54
Re: Noise reduction
Author: Evan_Werkema

How does it do in terms of leaving vegetation and gravel looking "normal" while taking out the genuine noise?  That's been the challenge for most noise reduction programs - trees and bushes start looking like they're made of green-painted cotton balls stretched over branches and the ground turns into Cream of Wheat.

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