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Western Railroad Discussion > A brief Caltrain visit

Date: 06/20/24 19:05
A brief Caltrain visit
Author: DJ-12

Thanks to the helpful suggestions from those on the board a couple weeks ago, and from looking at some of the excellent prior subject matter posts on the Bay Area in general over the past couple years, I was able to cram somes railfanning in around a viist to family in the Bay Area recently. The goal was to get some Caltrain shots before the curtain falls on diesel operations.
1. After picking up my rental car at SFO I headed straight to the Brisbane lagoon south of Bayshore station. There is a small fishing parklet off the 101 frontage road that provides a good launching spot for morning lite trains. First up was Caltrain 109 shoving north towards the city.
2. Just a few minutes later train 504 flew south behind an F40 whose paint appears to have held up pretty well.
3. I wanted to get a shot at the depot at Burlingame and relocated there in time to catch a more road weary F40 shoving train 111 away from the station.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/24 06:46 by DJ-12.

Date: 06/20/24 19:11
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: DJ-12

4. Next came train 112 behind a nice looking MP36 under the wires.
5. Having done some research from prior posts, I was aware that the UP South City Switcher often heads south to Redwood City M-W-F mid morning...and right on cue, an unscheduled headlight with a yellow nose appeared in the distance and the local came barrelling through southbound behind 112.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/24 06:53 by DJ-12.

Date: 06/20/24 19:18
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: DJ-12

7. Although my mission for the morning was Caltrain, I couldn't pass this up, and navigated my way down to Redwood City, hoping the train would head down the branch in the semi street running to the port. I found a shady spot and waited, and 15 minutes later they came shoving down the branch.Wide shot of the power shoving towards the port.
8. At this point, I needed to start heading north, but also wanted to get a couple shots of trains coming in and out of the tunnel just north of Bayshore. I hopped off the 101 there and caught limited stop 505 hustling northward.
9. I walked over the giagantic overpass to get on the far side of the platforms which allows a tele towards the tunnel and hung around until trian 510 flew past on its way to San Jose on one of the express tracks.

That ended my morning on Caltrain...I did manage to get some east bay stuff on Sunday on my way back towards SFO, and I'll post that sometime this weekend in a seperate post. Any corrections on train numbers or locations are welcome. Thanks for looking!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/24 06:53 by DJ-12.

Date: 06/20/24 19:47
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: texchief1

Nice report and great shots!


Date: 06/20/24 20:32
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: atsf121

Really liked those first two drone shots.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 06/20/24 20:54
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: mojaveflyer

I would echo 'texchief1's coments. Great shots and a good narrative! Thanks for sharing....

James Nelson
Thornton, CO

Date: 06/20/24 22:52
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: jgilmore

Nice series and good catch on the UP local...


Date: 06/20/24 23:25
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: weather

Excellent work all the way around!

Date: 06/21/24 06:43
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: Milepost125pt81

Very, very nice! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing more of your great pics!

Date: 06/21/24 07:13
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: FiveChime

Great photos and coverage duringyour short visit. Except for daily Mission Bay freight, that's about all the action one can get on the old SP commute line.
Regards, Jim Evans, Burlingame

Date: 06/21/24 14:27
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: cchan006

DJ-12 Wrote:
> Thanks to the helpful suggestions from those on
> the board a couple weeks ago, ...

I didn't give any suggestions, but it's a joy to see a great report posted in return for the help. Nice photo-documentation of the Chestnut St. street running!

Date: 06/21/24 16:14
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: PasadenaSub

Excellent photography and coverage, and like Charles said - great documentation.  Just out of curiousity - what are the guidelines for bringing your drone with you on an airline?  Checked luggage only, or carry-on bag?  I'm hoping to get in a little last-chance Caltrain diesel photography on an upcoming trip to the SF Bay area while visiting family in San Mateo in early September - before the big changeover.


Date: 06/22/24 07:17
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: DJ-12

PasadenaSub Wrote:
> Excellent photography and coverage, and like
> Charles said - great documentation.  Just out of
> curiousity - what are the guidelines for bringing
> your drone with you on an airline?  Checked
> luggage only, or carry-on bag?  I'm hoping to get
> in a little last-chance Caltrain diesel
> photography on an upcoming trip to the SF Bay area
> while visiting family in San Mateo in early
> September - before the big changeover.
> Rich

Thanks. I don't think there are any rules in particular one way or another. Personally I never trust the airlines with my camera gear, flying or otherwise, so I always carry on. My drone is from the DJI Mini series so it and its case fit comfortably in my carry on. I've flown with it several times that way and have never once had an issue.

Date: 06/22/24 14:21
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: RuleG

Great job on your photos of the CalTrain & Union Pacific trains!  Photos 7, 8 & 9 are my favorites.

Date: 06/22/24 16:14
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: ns1000

Thanks for the pics.  I also like Pic 2!!

Date: 06/24/24 17:44
Re: A brief Caltrain visit
Author: bobk

Great series!

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