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Western Railroad Discussion > Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.

Date: 08/30/24 23:52
Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: Paniolo_man

A week ago today, while hiking the mile back to my van from filming the BNSF I posted earler in the week, I was surprised by an empty UP coal train. Taken just west of the siding named "Cedar" near Horse Canyon, UT. 5 engines is quite a lot for an empty train.

While in the area I managed to pretty extensively photograph the Horse Canyon Mine's surface structures and some remaining rail infrastructure. I can post some of those pictures if there is interest here.

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Date: 08/30/24 23:54
Re: Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: Paniolo_man

As always there were shards of dishes littered around the tracks. I assume they date back to the Rio Grande Zephyr days.

And a bunch of garbage left by UPMOW as usual. Polluting our beautiful desert with junk. 

Date: 08/31/24 05:57
Re: Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: brc600

I am interested in seeing the other shots, and enjoy obscure locations and material.

Date: 08/31/24 07:03
Re: Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: Jesse6669

Paniolo_man Wrote:
> As always there were shards of dishes littered
> around the tracks. I assume they date back to the

As always?  I've never encountered old railroad china on the side of the tracks, including the Rio Grande.  Is this particular to this location?

Date: 08/31/24 07:20
Re: Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: Paniolo_man

Jesse6669 Wrote:
> Paniolo_man Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As always there were shards of dishes littered
> > around the tracks. I assume they date back to
> the
> As always?  I've never encountered old railroad
> china on the side of the tracks, including the Rio
> Grande.  Is this particular to this location?

I see it all over along the Green River Subdivision.

Date: 08/31/24 08:08
Re: Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: texchief1

Nice images and video!  Look forward to any rail related posts, past or present.


Date: 08/31/24 08:57
Re: Empty coal train on the Rio Grande line.
Author: BlaineM

Thanks panio-man, I enjoy your posts from Eastern Utah, your spending a lot of time out there.
American Fork

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