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Western Railroad Discussion > Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power

Date: 09/28/24 13:51
Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: dmaffei

Interesting day in Dunsmuir today to get me out rail fanning. The local Dunsmuir railfan network notified me a Canadian grain train heading east with KCS power on the point. I remember my Photobob photo location guide and spot 10 was good for mid day light at Mott.
The grain train took the siding for a west bound train and the Tie gathering train from this morning was right behind the grain train after working in Dunsmuir this morning. Tie train took the siding and proceeded to gather ties at Mott behind the grain train. 8267 west showed up shortly. I'll try to post all three videos. 
Thanks Photobob for being the railfan influencer. 😉

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Date: 09/28/24 13:57
Re: Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: dmaffei

Video two is the Tie train with those great sounding EMD prime movers in charge. Video three is the west bound going by on the main heading for Dunsmuir. I think I used all my video bandwidth for the month! Thanks Photobob for the old railfan guide 👍

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Date: 09/28/24 15:06
Re: Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: callum_out

I wonder if that grain train is the one that UP handles off the BNSF at Albina.


Date: 09/28/24 16:06
Re: Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: FiveChime

Great old cast Nathan P3 on northbound facing yellow unit. Same unit was working on Donner a few years back and
I enjoyed hearing it there.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 09/28/24 22:22
Re: Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: coach

Do UP engineers run that MOW train, or MOW employees?

Date: 09/29/24 07:05
Re: Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: yw602

Great videos!Keep them coming

Date: 10/01/24 11:00
Re: Canadian grain at Mott CA today w/ KCS power
Author: gonx

coach Wrote:
> Do UP engineers run that MOW train, or MOW
> employees?

I think it's an MoW operator.

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