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Western Railroad Discussion > Westbound from Oregon into Idaho

Date: 09/30/24 03:45
Westbound from Oregon into Idaho
Author: funnelfan

Much like the mixed up directions on some routes that have Northbounds heading south and Westbounds going east, there is a quirk with the UP trains on former Oregon Shortline RR. Westbounds cross from Oregon into Idaho such as this MNPPD did on Saturday afternoon passing through Ontario, OR. The train is about to pass through a series of through truss bridges that will take it over the Snake River into Idaho. The reason is this is the middle of three crossings of the Snake River west of Nampa, ID. In order to stay on the broad flood plain and avoid the steep bluffs, the builders of the Oregon Shortline elected to cross the Snake River three times instead of just once. That choice left UP with a high speed mainline up to the point where the tracks and river get hemmed in by the deeping canyons west of Weiser, ID.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

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Date: 09/30/24 09:30
Re: Westbound from Oregon into Idaho
Author: Ritzville

Nice to see one clean new UP yellow boxcar.


Date: 09/30/24 16:50
Re: Westbound from Oregon into Idaho
Author: coach

11-12 reefers spotted in that spur....

Date: 10/01/24 03:24
Re: Westbound from Oregon into Idaho
Author: funnelfan

That is the Ore-Ida plant that often ships out up to 12 reefers 5-6 days a week. They make frozen french fries and tater tots there. In fact it is the home of the Tater Tot, having been invented there in the 1950's

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

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