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Western Railroad Discussion > Eastbound coal empties on a cold windy day at Tie Fork UT

Date: 10/31/24 21:01
Eastbound coal empties on a cold windy day at Tie Fork UT
Author: Paniolo_man

This morning on my way to Colorado I followed an empty IPPX train up Spanish Fork Canyon. I decided to film it at Tie fork. I climbed up the hill by the crossing totally unprepared for how cold and windy it was. Appologies for the wind noise in the video, I froze my butt off taking it so I am posting it, wind noise or otherwise.

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Date: 10/31/24 21:02
Re: Eastbound coal empties on a cold windy day at Tie Fork UT
Author: Paniolo_man


Date: 11/01/24 04:38
Re: Eastbound coal empties on a cold windy day at Tie Fork UT
Author: texchief1

Nice video and stills!  The wind noise adds to the watching experience.


Date: 11/01/24 06:52
Re: Eastbound coal empties on a cold windy day at Tie Fork UT
Author: tomstp

Snow hould have warned ya.

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