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Western Railroad Discussion > Modesto & Empire Traction Grant

Date: 11/01/24 23:07
Modesto & Empire Traction Grant
Author: Yog-Sothoth

Feds apparently gave "$20.5 million to the Modesto & Empire Traction Co. for repowering nine locomotives, replacing their three current engines with a single Tier 4 engine."

I'm guessing this means they are repowering the gensets, and replacing the sw1500s? I only see two sw1500s on the online roster. Also I think more than three engines are current. It's written strangely, I wanted to know if someone here had more info.


Date: 11/01/24 23:33
Re: Modesto & Empire Traction Grant
Author: Evan_Werkema

Yog-Sothoth Wrote:

> Feds apparently gave "$20.5 million to the Modesto & Empire Traction Co. for repowering nine
> locomotives, replacing their three current engines with a single Tier 4 engine."
> I'm guessing this means they are repowering the gensets, and replacing the sw1500s? I only see two
> sw1500s on the online roster. Also I think more than three engines are current.

Each of M&ET's Railpower RP20BD genset locomotives has three Deutz engines in it, and it sounds like they intend to replace those three-engines-per-locomotive with a single prime mover.  Knoxville Locomotive Works does something similar to old NRE 3GS21B's, replacing their three Cummins power plants with a single Tier 4 MTU prime mover.

Date: 11/02/24 08:58
Re: Modesto & Empire Traction Grant
Author: M-636

The M&ET should string wire, and put the traction back in TRACTION!

Date: 11/02/24 09:20
Re: Modesto & Empire Traction Grant
Author: longliveSP

M-636 Wrote:
> The M&ET should string wire, and put the traction
> back in TRACTION!

I am sure they will welcome your financial backing to do so.

Date: 11/03/24 00:55
Re: Modesto & Empire Traction Grant
Author: DNRY122

Note that the only electric traction on the METCO line was one or two battery powered streetcars in the early days.

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