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Western Railroad Discussion > Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary

Date: 11/12/24 19:02
Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: livesteamer

Many of the members of TOs are helping to celebrate the 50 years of Railfan and Railroad.  I had reason to reach out to the subscription desk at Railfan and Railroad.  My issue was resolved very quick; a credit to the folks in their subscription department.  As part of the conversation, I indicated that I am a charter subscriber and inquired as to how many charter subscribers are still with Railfan after 50 years.  Unfortunately, when Carsten Publications sold Railfan to White River, the early subscription files were never transferred so there is no true record of charter subscribers.
So, just to help out the folks at White River Productions and as a bit of an informal poll, how many TOs can claim to be charter subscribers. 

I will start with me (I still have every single issue in my library).

Marty Harrison
AKA Livesteamer

Marty Harrison
Knob Noster, MO

Date: 11/12/24 20:52
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: frntinplate

Been there since day  one, subscription since issue one, all in my library. 

Date: 11/13/24 06:29
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: mococomike

I've really liked the direction the have went the last few years.

Date: 11/13/24 07:24
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: hotrail

I've been trying to cut back on the amount of mail that comes into my home -- which frequently exceeds my free time to read -- but I am really tempted to subscribe, just to thank them for keeping it going in a tough economy and against the broader trends of digitalization, etc.

Date: 11/13/24 09:24
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: koloradokid

I did subscribe for the first few years.  Still have the first issue in the plastic bag addressed to me, unopened.  Eventually, did cut back as way too much paper to store.  Railfan wasn't the only mag subscribed to back then.  


Date: 11/13/24 14:27
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: RayH

WAS a charter subscriber, but gave up my subscription 20 years ago. The reason? I waited an inordinate amount of time for R&R to return some slides to me (the delay was even longer than in the Jim Boyd days). 

Date: 11/14/24 11:03
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: sagehen

I started subscribing to Trains in 1964 or so and haven't quit.  About 25 years ago, I started a Railfan and Railroad subscription.  Trains magazine is good, but keeps shrinking.  R&R gets better all the time.

Stan Praisewater

Date: 11/14/24 18:13
Re: Railfan and Railroad's 50th Anniversary
Author: CO5232

I subscribed with issue 1 and still have every one.

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