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Western Railroad Discussion > Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?

Date: 11/13/24 13:13
Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?
Author: pilotblue

Hey Gang,

This is for modeling purposes but since the question is about the prototype, I thought it should go on this board.

Are plant switchers that never leave company property required to have reporting marks and/or numbers? I'm painting/patching my quarry switcher.

Thanks in advance for any info!

Date: 11/13/24 13:28
Re: Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?
Author: MP555

pilotblue Wrote:
> Are plant switchers that never leave company
> property required to have reporting marks and/or
> numbers? I'm painting/patching my quarry
> switcher.

None needed.

Date: 11/13/24 14:39
Re: Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?
Author: tferk

Not required, but they are often wearing the previous owners number and sometimes reporting marks.   

The plant switchers at the forging plant I worked at had the assigned department stencilled on the side, and under that was the inventory asset number.

Ted Ferkenhoff
Flagstaff, AZ

Date: 11/13/24 14:49
Re: Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?
Author: LocoPilot750

I've handled several in trains, usually behind the consist, some MU's but dead, others with brake pipe only like a boxcar, but I can't remember how they showed up on the train list.

Date: 11/13/24 18:16
Re: Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?
Author: dcmkris

Here is a 50T that I photographed yesterday at a transload site in Ohio.

No reporting mark or number.


Date: 11/14/24 09:16
Re: Must plant switchers have reporting marks and numbers?
Author: Waybiller

Anything in interchange needs to be compliant with the various interchange rules, such as having a mark and number.  If it isn't interchanged, or otherwise federally regulated, then no requirements.

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