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Western Railroad Discussion > TRC Thanksgiving Weekend

Date: 11/26/24 00:41
TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: EricSP

I was thinking about going to see the Trona Railway over the Thanksgiving weekend. According to old posts they operated on Thanksgiving weekend 2009. Does anyone know if they still do that?


Date: 11/26/24 17:01
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Yog-Sothoth

I don't know too much, but I was under the impression they do not regularly work weekends. Maybe they did it to make up for missed time, but I would try and check with someone before going all the way out there.

Date: 11/26/24 17:51
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: ShortlinesUSA

Agreed on that. Weekend ops not worth betting on without solid info. Your only hope would be for a coal train that would have normally run Thursday or Friday getting pushed to the weekend because of Thanksgiving.

Posted from Android

Date: 11/27/24 03:19
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: exhaustED

In my experience Sundays can yield trains but Saturday is a no go usually.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/27/24 03:38
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: EricSP


I was thinking about Friday. There are only two places to be on Black Friday - home or in the middle of nowhere.

Date: 11/27/24 06:11
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: ShortlinesUSA

The most probable run days for freight are Monday and Wednesday to meet the Tuesday and Thursday UP LOP82 local. Coal trains can run anytime and are unpredictable. Fridays are a crap shoot regardless of the holiday.

Posted from Android

Date: 11/27/24 07:47
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: callum_out

A coal train would be your best bet, UP doesn't like them tieing up Mojave and they run as
arrived, But, as said, that's a crapshoot, be worth a drive thru Mojave to check the yard
out before driving all the way to Trona.


Date: 11/28/24 18:39
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Ryanfuzzhead

Also am thinking of heading to Trona tommorow (Friday) for some hopeful Trona action.
When do they usually go on schedule? I've heard it around noon right (11am-12pm)?
I've also heard you can ask the front desk and if you are nice enough and if they are feeling like it they will usually tell you their schedule for that day. I have no clue where that front desk is, does anyone know? That would be very helpful.
I'll try and update yall about Mojave yard and whether or not and Lop82 or some coal train is ready to go out there (assuming I do go).

Date: 11/28/24 20:46
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: EricSP

Thanks for the replies. It sounds like tomorrow is probably not a good day to go.

Date: 11/28/24 20:57
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Ryanfuzzhead

Im going to go anyways before they get the Tier4s also its the only weekday that there will be off in a while and they don't really run on weekends. So Im going to take the gamble and pray, also if its a flop I'll just go to tehachapi no big deal.

Date: 11/29/24 11:14
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Ryanfuzzhead

Here in Mojave looks to be no Trona cars but there is 2 switch crews out here

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/29/24 11:26
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Ryanfuzzhead

Scratch that 3 switch crews one going felta one switching kemira on lone pine aka lop53 and one in the yard starting up engines

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/29/24 12:01
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Ryanfuzzhead

Bunch of 3 bays on trona and lone pine here at Searles

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/29/24 16:58
Re: TRC Thanksgiving Weekend
Author: Ryanfuzzhead

Didn’t know there wasn’t any service out there but Trona did run today. Bunch of switching over 2 hours of switching at the west facility.

Posted from iPhone

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