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Western Railroad Discussion > I got a WB at Ridgeton, too

Date: 11/26/24 07:10
I got a WB at Ridgeton, too
Author: santafe199

Several days ago I made good use of this month’s recent “super” full moon. Here’s a link: ( Super Moon ~ super series ). An eastbound train, coming out of a Kansas sunset was the star of the thread. Timing was everything, because the super moon was still low on the eastern horizon. Later on I did get to shoot a westbound train, but the moon had risen several degrees. And getting both train & moon in the same frame forced me to use a longer exposure, thus washing out any details on the moon itself. Even with a lot of Photoshop chicanery...

1. Looking west from the S Wanamaker Rd crossing. That clear signal indication for main #2 tells me a westbound train is on the way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/24 07:12 by santafe199.

Date: 11/26/24 07:12
Re: I got a WB at Ridgeton, too
Author: santafe199

It didn’t take long to hear a westbound horn approaching...

2. To & fro. BNSF 5275 is coming under the super full moon. And...

3. ...will roll into a rapidly fading sunset.

4. BNSF 5185 is the rear-end DP unit trailing the 5275.
All photos taken at Ridgeton, KS on November 15, 2024.

Thanks for looking!
Lance Garrels

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