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Western Railroad Discussion > Fun with motion blur

Date: 11/28/24 01:04
Fun with motion blur
Author: santafe199

I almost deleted this image on the spot! But then I remembered a few years ago vowing the NEVER delete anything in the field. Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wait and do it at home! Only AFTER I’ve had a chance to see it up on the screen

And then I accidentally knock the selector knob to aperture-priority. Click. I knew something was wrong when I heard the lens mechanism stay open a lot longer than it was supposed to. In this case it was ¼ of a second. But hey... with an ISO set at 800 I got an aperture of f14. Completely wasted depth-of-field. That high interest utility pole <gag> sure looks sharp, huh*... :^(

1. & 2. BNSF 5480 is eastbound with a manifest @ 5:27 PM.

3. 2 minutes later here’s the end of the train, with my super-blurry mistake. I guess I can just take it or leave it...
3 photos taken November 15, 2024 at Ridgeton, KS.

Thanks for peering in the dark!
Lance Garrels

*Ah yes, as Mr Gump once said: “$#!+ happens”...

Date: 11/28/24 07:15
Re: Fun with motion blur
Author: CimaScrambler

That last one came out interesting.  It looks like some sort of post-modern works I've seen on hip gallery walls.  I like its minimalist abstract feel.

Kit Courter
Canyon Lake, CA
LunarLight Photography

Date: 11/28/24 08:24
Re: Fun with motion blur
Author: Gonut1

I fully agree on waiting to delete! Some of the messy ones actually work out. I have a huge hard drive so once they are there I don't worry much about deleting but I sort sort them into a sub-folder of, call it a recycle mini-bin!
The first shot is good for a low loght, the last one sort of a slow motion still-life.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! As one gets older you have more things to be thankful for.

Date: 11/28/24 11:15
Re: Fun with motion blur
Author: RailRat

Great stuff Lance,
🎵 I second that eMOTION 🎵
(Smoky Robinson I think)

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

Date: 11/28/24 17:13
Re: Fun with motion blur
Author: santafe199

RailRat Wrote: > … (Smoky Robinson I think)

Indeed it was Smoky Robinson & the Miracles. I believe the tune was covered, probably more than once…

Posted from iPhone

Added from home: The Miracles', tune: I Second That Emotion broke intom the Billboard Top 40 in November of 1967 and peaked at #4 during its 12 weeks on the chart...

DJ Sir L

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/29/24 11:00 by santafe199.

Date: 11/29/24 09:25
Re: Fun with motion blur
Author: jgilmore

santafe199 Wrote:
> 3. 2 minutes later here’s the end of the train,
> with my super-blurry mistake. I guess I can just
> take it or leave it...

Actually, it turned out to be a pretty cool motion-illustrating scene, and you can always fall back on the easy excuse "that's what I wanted to do" to show it!

BTW, that's a really nice IOTD shot as well...


Date: 11/29/24 18:56
Re: Fun with motion blur
Author: santafe199

jgilmore Wrote: > … BTW, that's a really nice IOTD shot as well...

Thank you, sir. A very nice compliment for a sequence I never planned ahead of time…

Posted from iPhone

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