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Western Railroad Discussion > Morning coal train in Price

Date: 11/29/24 21:15
Morning coal train in Price
Author: Paniolo_man

I started this morning in Price. After snagging breakfast and preparing to head east I took notice that the signal was on. I went to my regular spot and filmed as a loaded coal train pulled through town. Presumably from the coal terminal in Wellington. In Helper it would have helpers cut in to help it to Soldier Summit.

I spent the afternoon at Swasey's beach in Green River, picture attched.

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Date: 11/30/24 05:10
Re: Morning coal train in Price
Author: bluesman

What day did yo shoot this train? I was by there Thanksgiving day. I saw only BNSF manifests east and west on my travels. A light UP helper going west and some activity by UP at Martin on the Utah Thursday. The old DRGW is sure an under used railroad.

Date: 11/30/24 21:16
Re: Morning coal train in Price
Author: Paniolo_man

bluesman Wrote:
> What day did yo shoot this train? I was by there
> Thanksgiving day. I saw only BNSF manifests east
> and west on my travels. A light UP helper going
> west and some activity by UP at Martin on the Utah
> Thursday. The old DRGW is sure an under used
> railroad.

Friday. The line has been pretty busy the last two days.

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