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Western Railroad Discussion > BNSF P811 along the Mojave River

Date: 01/08/25 11:26
BNSF P811 along the Mojave River
Author: spider1319

The BNSF P811 Ballst Work Train on the Cajon Sub during the Winter of 2006. These were in two shifts with a ballast train and a tie train daylights and afternoons plus plenty of ballast equipment. The jobs lasted about one month when they visited the territory and provided train crews with regular hours and lots more of other benefits.Bill Webb

Date: 01/08/25 13:42
Re: BNSF P811 along the Mojave River
Author: 3rdswitch

Nice angle there Bill, took some effort.

Date: 01/08/25 14:42
Re: BNSF P811 along the Mojave River
Author: coach

That bridge in the background looks narrow in width, like it's an old RR bridge--is that true??

Date: 01/08/25 17:33
Re: BNSF P811 along the Mojave River
Author: DKay

Thats a very nice shot. Is the new bridge across the river just off to the lower left. ???

Date: 01/09/25 07:17
Re: BNSF P811 along the Mojave River
Author: ntharalson

coach Wrote:
> That bridge in the background looks narrow in
> width, like it's an old RR bridge--is that true??

It's the old US66 bridge.  

Nice shot, thanks for posting.  Do you know what/where the project is?

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Date: 01/09/25 08:38
Re: BNSF P811 along the Mojave River
Author: spider1319

This is tie renewel plus new ballst. . The P811 travels system wide on scheduled maintenance. There are two main components . A concrete tie train for tie replacement and  installation followed by a ballast train and assorted m/w machines for surfacing regulation etc. We would see the P811 once a year uusally at different locations on certain Divisions.It was a great job to work.Bill Webb

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