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Western Railroad Discussion > EB tanks pausing at Menoken

Date: 01/09/25 07:43
EB tanks pausing at Menoken
Author: santafe199

Digging back through the master file... Quite often Uncle Pete’s eastbound trains will get stopped on the west side of Topeka. It’s usually due some sort of congestion downtown with trains to & from the old GSR. These trains will stop short of the NW 25th St crossing. Pretty handy for us camera-totin’ railfans... :^)

1. UP 4997 leading a manifest, stopped at Menoken in Topeka, KS.
Photo date: January 16, 2016.

Thanks for looking!
Lance Garrels

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/25 07:44 by santafe199.

Date: 01/09/25 07:53
Re: EB tanks pausing at Menoken
Author: BrandonRC

Back when UP liked using the 70Ms for most jobs. Awesome photo and great lighting!

Date: 01/09/25 08:56
Re: EB tanks pausing at Menoken
Author: Gonut1

Nicely posed and captured!

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