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Western Railroad Discussion > UP sunset route

Date: 01/09/25 17:18
UP sunset route
Author: Frisco1971

Has UP finished there double tracking
the sunset route or they still at it ?????


Date: 01/09/25 21:00
Re: UP sunset route
Author: tomstp

I don't live out there but from what I have heard the answer is "no".  Probably more than a year to go.

Date: 01/09/25 22:44
Re: UP sunset route
Author: SCAX3401

They are currently working on double tracking the Alhambra Subdivision (in Southern California) between North Ontario and South Fontana.  The work has been slow.  They have installed and cut-in a new control point, KAISER, at the west end of the Kaiser Yard.  They are still working east of the Kaiser Yard to extend the 100 Lead (at it appears the Declezville Industrial Lead) west to the control point at the east end of the yard.  This project will incorporate the Guasti Siding into the new second main track however it appears the section of the Guasti Siding where it moves away from the main track will have the second main track keep the shorter distance between the tracks.  They just finished a new bridge over a flood control channel west of Guasti while another in the same area isn't started yet.

Date: 01/10/25 06:02
Re: UP sunset route
Author: mococomike

Work is in progress, They are doing culver work east if Gila Bend to make themwide enough for double track and have graded sections west of Gila Bend.

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