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Western Railroad Discussion > What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?

Date: 01/10/25 12:29
What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: pedrop

I am curious about the origen of the name "Spartan" applyed to the Spartan cab locomotives. Why do they received this name?


Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/10/25 12:59
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: NWRail

By "Spartan" I'm thinking they mean: a smelly toilet that leaks blue goo on the floor, uncomfortable seats covered with duct tape, loose panels that rattle, ceiling fabric falling down, drafty door seals, bad windshield wipers, and burned out interior light bulbs.

Date: 01/10/25 13:29
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: ts1457

Old thread:

"Standard" Cabs

I think it was the old style standard cab as opposed to the more recent wide nose designs.

I am curious when the first use of the term "Spartan" was? Maybe it was with the NS SD70 order. I sure don't recall hearing the that use when I was younger.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/25 20:29 by ts1457.

Date: 01/10/25 13:45
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: NYSWSD70M

ts1457 Wrote:
> Old thread:
> "Standard" Cabs
> I think it was the old style standard cab as
> opposed to the the more recent wide nose designs.
> I am curious when the first use of the term
> "Spartan" was? Maybe it was with the NS SD70
> order. I sure don't recall hearing the that use
> when I was younger.

The fan's gave this style of cab the name when the GP/SD35 was introduced.  It has been around since 1963.

Date: 01/10/25 14:14
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: ts1457

NYSWSD70M Wrote:
> The fan's gave this style of cab the name when the
> GP/SD35 was introduced.  It has been around since
> 1963.


​I remember the Southern's SD35's and GP35's when they were new. I guess I did not run around with the right crowd. Actually, there was not much of a railfan crowd around where I lived as teenager.

edit: So what was different? Maybe the roof being constructed with flat plates rather than rounded?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/25 14:27 by ts1457.

Date: 01/10/25 16:35
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: BoostedFridge

The term is a bit of a misnomer, as it refers to the formerly 'standard'  cab/low nose combination that had been used on most of the second and third generation hood units up until the debut of the 'North American' or 'Safety Cab' style wide nosed cab on in the late 80's.  The SD60M and Dash 8-40CW were the early examples of the 'North American' cab as a factory option from the manufacturers.  (CN's own cab ordered on numerous models & builders notwithstanding)  The popularity of the 'North American' cab surged, and the term 'spartan cab' seemed to get popularized in the railfan lexicon in referral to the later orders for units without the 'North American' cab such as the IC and NS SD70, and NS Dash 9-40C.

Date: 01/10/25 16:50
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: engineerinvirginia

At work we just call them conventionals and widebodies. The AC's have been called big jacks...but since they are ubiquitous now...they are just engines. 

Date: 01/10/25 20:18
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: railstiesballast

I thought that it was the use of an old style control stand, with the engineer sitting to hhe right of it as compared to the desktop style.

Date: 01/11/25 06:39
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: engineerinvirginia

railstiesballast Wrote:
> I thought that it was the use of an old style
> control stand, with the engineer sitting to hhe
> right of it as compared to the desktop style.

Except widebodies can have AAR control stands...in fact I don't think they are making the desktops anymore...they are not well liked. 

Date: 01/11/25 07:33
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: HotWater

I'm curious, who came up with the term "wide body"? The cab on the modern units, with the full width nose, is not any wider.

Date: 01/11/25 07:35
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: engineerinvirginia

It's bigger on the inside!

Date: 01/11/25 09:58
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: toledopatch

HotWater Wrote:
> I'm curious, who came up with the term "wide
> body"? The cab on the modern units, with the full
> width nose, is not any wider.

As far as I'm concerned, "wide body" or "wide cab" are both misnomers. It's the nose that is wide, not the cab or the body.

Date: 01/11/25 11:45
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: NYSWSD70M

ts1457 Wrote:
> NYSWSD70M Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The fan's gave this style of cab the name when
> the
> > GP/SD35 was introduced.  It has been around
> since
> > 1963.
> Thanks,
> ​I remember the Southern's SD35's and GP35's
> when they were new. I guess I did not run around
> with the right crowd. Actually, there was not much
> of a railfan crowd around where I lived as
> teenager.
> edit: So what was different? Maybe the roof being
> constructed with flat plates rather than rounded?

You are correct.  The "spartan cab" name was given to the 35 style cab becase it was a vast simplification vs the GP30 that featured a considerable amount of fabrication to produce.  It is a term that has been around for over 60 years.    

Date: 01/11/25 23:09
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: SD45X

Your DDM45s are spartan cabs

Date: 01/12/25 05:49
Re: What is a Spartan cab design for a locomotive cab?
Author: pedrop


SD45X Wrote:
> Your DDM45s are spartan cabs

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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