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Western Railroad Discussion > New Flags at AWRR?

Date: 01/10/25 18:48
New Flags at AWRR?
Author: CCDeWeese

Today I saw two new flags on the AWRR main track at McNeil protecting some UP locomotives being fueled.  There were rectangular red with the word "REFUEL" on then and at each end of the locomotives being refueled by SunCoast.  Not seen this before.  Interesting!!

Date: 01/10/25 19:16
Re: New Flags at AWRR?
Author: Gonut1

Somewhere on T.O. in the last few weeks, perhaps months, time flies! I recall seeing "Refuel" Flags on a loco when a truck was making a trackside fuel delivery. In the past they were blue flags "Men Working" or whatever the blue flags usually say. I'm thinking it was T.O. poster Santafe199 but not certain. Unfortunately I don't recall that they were red but something drew my attention to them. Probably were red or I wouldn't have focused on them at all.
The real answer will be interesting.

Date: 01/11/25 04:25
Re: New Flags at AWRR?
Author: Jcruiser-12_

I see these occasionally on the Sneed siding of the Austin Subdivision when the UP needs fuel. Mopac Xpressway side and Great Northern Blvd side as well

Date: 01/11/25 09:30
Re: New Flags at AWRR?
Author: 57A26

Our fuel truck vendor as used red flags, exactly like the railroad's blue flags in wording except red, for uears.  It's possibly because they are private contractors not qualified on railroad blue flag  rules and also the red flag protection doesn't require both ends of a train to be flagged.

Date: 01/11/25 15:26
Re: New Flags at AWRR?
Author: CCDeWeese

It makes a certain amount of sense to use a different flag for a contractor who is likely not in danger from the equipment moving, and the fallout from leaving a contractor-placed blue flag could be significant.

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