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Western Railroad Discussion > Sandpoint question

Date: 01/25/25 19:21
Sandpoint question
Author: DM1980

So now both bridges are in service, which bridge is Amtrak Empire Builder using mostly, to either access the station from the west or departing from station?

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/25/25 20:57
Re: Sandpoint question
Author: SCAX3401

There is a pair of crossovers, CP35, between the station platform at Sandpoint and the two bridges.  So which track would be at the discretion of the dispatcher.  My guess it either would be used often based on other trains in the area.

To clarify the track layout for those who don't know, the Kootenai River Sub crosses the lake at Sandpoint on two seperate bridges, the original and the new one just constructed by BNSF in the last few years.  At the east end of the lake, at CP35, the Kootenai River Sub goes to one main track.  The other track here, the south one (timetable wise, east compass wise) becomes the MRL Fourth Sub (yes, BNSF did purchase the Montana Rail Link, the subdivision is literally named "MRL Fourth Sub").  Before all the trackwork associated with the second bridge was completed, the actual junction spot was timetable east of the depot.

Date: 01/26/25 21:45
Re: Sandpoint question
Author: NPRocky

When I rode the Empire Builder westbound out of Sand Point about a year and three months ago, our train used the new bridge.  We met the eastbound Builder, which was using the old bridge.  It was a beautiful sight.  The new bridge, by the way, appears taller than the old, at least where we met near mid-bridge.

Date: 01/26/25 23:39
Re: Sandpoint question
Author: dan

perfect meet, no pics?

Date: 01/27/25 02:03
Re: Sandpoint question
Author: goduckies

Probably at night

Posted from Android

Date: 01/27/25 08:31
Re: Sandpoint question
Author: sf1010

NPRocky Wrote:
  The new bridge, by the way,
> appears taller than the old, at least where we met
> near mid-bridge.

I live near Sandpoint, and cross the nearby highway bridge every few days.  From there, they look exactly the same height.

Date: 01/27/25 09:42
Re: Sandpoint question
Author: redberan4449

See attached for an aerial view of both bridges during construction in 2023.
This is a view from above the Sandpoint Amtrak Station.. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/25 10:23 by redberan4449.

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