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Western Railroad Discussion > Boxcar Fire on the PNWR in Albany, OR

Date: 01/29/25 21:29
Boxcar Fire on the PNWR in Albany, OR
Author: funnelfan

Early this afternoon a 50' high cube boxcar reportedly loaded with bales of scrap cardboard bound for the paper mill in Toledo for recycling, caught fire in the ex-SP Albany Yard while still in the train. The car was setout to a track between the locomotive shop and yard office so firefighters could attack it. The Albany fire department has video of the smoking boxcar on their facebook page.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 01/30/25 01:09
Re: Boxcar Fire on the PNWR in Albany, OR
Author: Mccloud-36

I found the video on you tub.

Posted from Android

Date: 01/31/25 11:26
Re: Boxcar Fire on the PNWR in Albany, OR
Author: a737flyer

You have to wonder how a boxcar loaded with cardboard, "caught on fire".  Probably not spontaneous combustion, but certainly combustion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/25 11:27 by a737flyer.

Date: 02/01/25 07:54
Re: Boxcar Fire on the PNWR in Albany, OR
Author: sarailfan

a737flyer Wrote:
> You have to wonder how a boxcar loaded with
> cardboard, "caught on fire".  Probably not
> spontaneous combustion, but certainly combustion.

If it was baled wet, or had a couple oil contaminated pieces in, spontaneous combustion is definitely possible.

Posted from Android

Darren Boes
Lethbridge, AB
Southern Alberta Railfan

Date: 02/02/25 11:55
Re: Boxcar Fire on the PNWR in Albany, OR
Author: ns1000

Some people might be surprised how "hot" those bales can burn......

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