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Western Railroad Discussion > Act Like a Gentleman

Date: 01/31/25 14:40
Act Like a Gentleman
Author: swaool

A train of NPPX loads has taken the turnout at CP Jordan from the South Morrill sub onto the Gerald Gentleman sub, headed for the power plant with the same name.  They're climbing a grade here to get over the ridge that separates the North and South Platte River valleys.  It's short but steep enough that if a loaded train loses a unit, it will stall.  Sutherland NE, 1/31/2025.

mike woodruff
north platte ne

Date: 01/31/25 15:32
Re: Act Like a Gentleman
Author: timz

It will stall if it loses one out of two units?
Or one out of three?

First guess: level or slight downhill, then
a trainlength of 1% up, then downhill. It's
not a handthrow switch at the bottom, is it?
Can they hit the grade at 25 mph?

Date: 01/31/25 17:42
Re: Act Like a Gentleman
Author: texchief1

Nice shot, Mike!  Really like the UP Tier 4 EMD units.



Date: 01/31/25 18:08
Re: Act Like a Gentleman
Author: swaool

timz Wrote:
> It will stall if it loses one out of two units?
> Or one out of three?

One out of three.  The trains are usually 2x1, and if they lose one unit they will stall.  They sometimes run them 2x2 to avoid this possibility.

> First guess: level or slight downhill, then
> a trainlength of 1% up, then downhill. It's
> not a handthrow switch at the bottom, is it?
> Can they hit the grade at 25 mph?

It's more than 1% initially; here's a shot from CP Jordan at the bottom of the "ramp": https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?1,5913296,5913296#msg-5913296
After they get over the ridge, there's a slight drop into the South Platte drainage, but then another climb up out of that to the power plant.  When a loaded train stalled there recently, an empty train nearby had to leave their cars, cross over and get on the rear of the loaded train and shove them all the way to the power plant.  The grade is not just a trainlength long.

The turnout at CP Jordan is CTC controlled.  I don't know what the speed limit through it is.  I'll ask my UP contact next time I see him.

mike woodruff
north platte ne


Date: 02/01/25 11:59
Re: Act Like a Gentleman
Author: timz

After taking another look, it appears UP
tried to get to the plant without exceeding
1%, and succeeded. Can't find more than
1% lasting for a trainlength, if we can
believe Google Earth, and I bet we can
believe it well enough.

So two ACs aren't good for  ... 17000? tons
on 1%, which sounds reasonable.

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