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Western Railroad Discussion > BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment

Date: 01/16/04 13:58
BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment
Author: DaveL

A West bound BNSF train (PASBAR?) derailed mid-morning today at mp167.3.
There are 7 or 8 cars on the ground, with 3 on the rails in the middle.

Pics to follow....All the derailed cars were Canadian grain cars (loads).


Date: 01/16/04 14:21
Re: BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment
Author: TCnR

Can you say: Dunsmuir re-routes?

Interested in location name and curious how and when they put it all back together.

Date: 01/16/04 16:54
BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment....pics
Author: DaveL

The location is known as Clear Creek.
Clear Creek Junction is about 4/10 mile west.

This view is looking West.

Date: 01/16/04 16:56
Re: BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment....pics
Author: DaveL

This view is looking East.

Date: 01/16/04 16:59
Re: BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment....pics
Author: DaveL

the fartherest West cars.

Date: 01/16/04 16:59
near railcam
Author: LesWhite

is this near the webcam.........does the webcam still operate or has it been disconnected for the winter.....??

Date: 01/16/04 17:01
Re: near railcam
Author: DaveL

Cam is up and running....wreck is 500' or so West.....a little too close for comfort.


Date: 01/16/04 17:05
Re: near railcam
Author: DaveL

The spot where, when the car next to the DPUs turned over, breaking the drawbar and lifting the engine enough to set the last 3 axels on the ties.

Date: 01/16/04 17:07
Re: near railcam
Author: DaveL

Now we know......what those flat spots under those GE journals are for....slide brakes in case of derailment. (tongue firmly in cheek)

Date: 01/16/04 17:09
Re: near railcam
Author: DaveL

Ah, the deer will be eating very well this spring.

Date: 01/16/04 17:16
Re: near railcam
Author: LesWhite

DaveL Wrote:
> Cam is up and running....wreck is 500' or so
> West.....a little too close for comfort.
> DaveL

thanks.........is the site still access thru here is is there a new address.....notice now pictures load up?

Date: 01/16/04 18:08
Re: near railcam
Author: mleland

LesWhite Wrote:
> thanks.........is the site still access thru here
> is is there a new address.....notice now pictures
> load up?

Well I have been having trouble with the cam. It seems the same "motion" settings that worked ok all year have stopped working. I need to be home during the day with a train going by to adjust the settings. This may happen on Sunday.

As an update on the derailment I doubt much gets detoured through Dunsmuir if any at all. Dobbas(cleanup specialists) are already on site and are going to work through the night.

Mike Leland
Clear Creek, CA

Date: 01/16/04 19:09
Re: near railcam
Author: TCnR

Thanks for the info, glad nobody was hurt. I'm sure PhotoBob doesn't object to not having re-routes blowing at the crossing all night. Which reminds me, watch out for the grumpy bears going for that grain after they wake up.
Thanks for the photos as well, needed some Cylindrical hopper walkway shots for one of my projects.

Date: 01/16/04 20:09
Re: BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment
Author: billincalientenv

GREAT pics , great color and res., you really got in close, nice work, thanks! billincie

Date: 01/17/04 09:13
Re: BNSF Gateway Sub Derailment
Author: bobl


In your first post you said the derailment occured at MP 197.3. I gather you meant MP 167.3. That is really too close for comfort for those living close to the tracks in Clear Creek. We both have watched trains moved through that road crossing close to the rail cam and boy, do those cars rock and roll!

I sure hope that the BNSF will consider extending the concrete ties from Clear Creek Jct to Westwood next summer.


Date: 01/19/04 13:25
Fear the fermentation
Author: toledopatch

TCnR Wrote:
> Watch out for the grumpy bears going
> for that grain after they wake up.

By the time the bears get to that stuff, it probably will have fermented quite a bit. So watch out for drunken bears in April and May!

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